Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 In another sense they may seem to know them too little , to be too little able to see them in relation to other , contemporary , young people : as much chance of a fair assessment from a family as from a school .
2 The recognition of interests and groups in society , and a concern to see them in relation to government and the development of public policy represented an important breakthrough in the study of British politics .
3 Fortunately , many of them know that their relatives and friends will be calling in to see them from time to time ; but ‘ from time to time ’ does not take care of those long days and nights in between , when , apart from their often desperate need for company , they feel frighteningly cut off from the world of people who would come to their aid at once if they fell ill , if only they had the means of contacting them .
4 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
5 Change them from fund to fund .
6 Change them from fund to fund , mm .
7 The Imperium had assigned them for life to Quintus , to assist in its uplift .
8 It was only the office holding of the Stanleys which was threatened , but even that may have been enough to drive them into opposition to Edward by 1470 .
9 It was only the office holding of the Stanleys which was threatened , but even that may have been enough to drive them into opposition to Edward by 1470 .
10 In developing a critique of scientism ( which Habermas regards Knowledge and Human Interests to be ) he is not rejecting the epistemological validity of the nomological sciences or the hermeneutic sciences but is trying to orient them in relation to the critical sciences .
11 Harold Wilson did consult me from time to time , in the sense of asking me to ascertain from the Biafrans what their attitude would be towards a visit by him and matters of that sort , but my interventions were of a pretty futile nature and achieved no results .
12 The Bible tells us how to conduct ourselves in relation to God and to our fellow men .
13 The meeting will decide the commission 's recommendations on which parts of Europe should have Objective 1 status , which will qualify them for access to the largest EC aid fund .
14 He rushed forward to the battery box , loosened the terminal caps and moved them from side to side .
15 The very concentration of attention on female breasts seemed to swell them with pride to melon-like proportion — or disproportion , for they would flatten and disappear just as mysteriously ten years later .
16 It contains nothing of interest to the binocular observer .
17 Sextans contains nothing of interest to the binocular observer .
18 Day and weekend sacks are light enough for you to simply pack them with accessibility to key items of equipment like waterproofs the main priority .
19 The fact that they 've chosen to have somebody representing them in objection to the new settlement proposal I think is as strong an indication as you can get that the local people do n't actually support the council on this point .
20 But the more people who obtain post-school education , the less likely it is to provide them with entry to a career .
21 Prisoners may be left locked in their cells for longer , because there is not the staff to supervise out-of-cell activities or to escort them from place to place .
22 While policing may involve social control , lawyers ' work is that of translators , taking everyday problems defined by clients and resolving them by reference to the body of legal discourse , a reference which may , of course , involve considerable creative elaboration .
23 That is , is the colour rising up from underneath in an individuating way , or is it a light cast from down er from on top by the one , which then could n't individuate them with respect to people for instance .
24 In the early nineteenth century , Lamartine stayed with the Damiani family in Jaffa and mentioned them in Voyage to the Orient , the same book in which he advertised the colonial possibilities of Palestine .
25 Well , the national secretary 's national officers are of course accountable to the C E C , they are accountable to congress , the introduction of section conferences means that they have another , an additional level of accountability , which does n't replace the accountability to the C E C or to Congress , but supplements it and subjects them of course to a closer scrutiny and a closer contact with the major activists in a whole sector of employment .
26 He began to note down suitable thoughts and epigrams on pieces of office copy-paper , not really with the intention of learning them off by heart , but with the idea that he might put them in his jacket pocket and touch them from time to time during the programme to give himself reassurance , knowing that if the worst really came to the worst he could take them out and refresh his memory .
27 He found himself on loan to the faculty of the National Intelligence Academy ( NIA ) in Fort Lauderdale as director of Video Operations .
28 It therefore found itself in opposition to what it regarded as the stupidity , incompetence and prejudice of the actual holders of political and economic power .
29 A final point to make here is that another effect of silent viewing of video is the interest it generates and the way this manifests itself in commitment to a point of view about a scene .
30 For twelve years Stan Stennett 's put the Roses theatre in the lime light … staging everything from ballet to bawdy pantomimes and Ben Elton .
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