Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 An injunction was granted against USI prohibiting them from publishing the phone numbers of British abortion clinics in student union handbooks .
2 During the Falklands War , Mrs Thatcher was punctilious about keeping full Cabinet informed about major developments , and consulted them before implementing the bigger decisions .
3 But this does not disqualify them from using the word , any more than the English who displaced the ancient Britons are disqualified from continuing to use the name ‘ Britain ’ ( no doubt to the irritation of their southern neighbours , the Bretons of Bretagne ) .
4 Obiang on Feb. 9 rejected criticism by business managers of this decision , accusing them of neglecting the export of Equatorial Guinean goods .
5 Even so , like a dog at the bone , The Times was driven to search out the foreign disposition of the garotters , accusing them of abandoning the traditional civility of the traditional English highway robbery : ‘ Without the old challenge and parley in use among highwaymen , your garotter knocks a man 's head against the kerbstone as the best way of getting at his pocket . ’
6 ‘ Everybody at the hospital seemed to be accusing me of causing the injuries .
7 ‘ He came over incensed , accusing me of hitting the ball that struck him in the testicles … it 's a reflection of the degree of tension . ’
8 That 's for the We actually calculated them by using the unit quantity
9 We have also had support from our colleagues in Brussels ( see article on page 21 of this issue ) and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for taking the lead and to appeal to Johnson Matthey sites around the world to take up the challenge .
10 The other day , some man attacked me for using the phrase ‘ biological clock ’ .
11 He should not intervene in little local difficulties in Cambridgeshire which , sooner or later , will be sorted out when the authority spends its additional resources sensibly by devoting them to raising the quality of education .
12 I was hoping he might feel able to support me in breaking the news to the Dersinghams . ’
13 It was this change of circumstances which led me in announcing the making of the emergency order to say that W. 's wishes were no longer of weight .
14 It was reported that , when ZANU-PF held primary elections in mid-February to select its candidates , several senior party officials , including Joyce Mujuru ( Minister of Community Development and Co-operatives ) , had been defeated , but that Mugabe had reinstated them after nullifying the results .
15 In fact we turned up some gas shares on the way , but er and a bit of cash , but that was n't enough to pay the funeral accounts and she made no provision for paying any of the bills so I sold the gas shares towards paying the funeral account and then got shouted at by the er beneficiary children because I had n't consulted them about selling the gas shares and I said Well , they have to be sold because there 's bills to pay and there is no way of dealing with that .
16 To make the most of fragrant flowers such as these sweetly scented golden and white freesias and white lilies , display them by massing the flowers closely together in side-by-side containers .
17 Well I think it , we should er congratulate ourselves in having the European Community as a piece of machinery inside which it 's possible to contain a power the size of Germany .
18 He said : ‘ They tried to batter me into taking the job , then rang me at home and tried again .
19 Could you assist me in identifying the Video chip on my computer as I am a little confused .
20 It would be absurd if my wife were to accuse me of using the word ‘ here ’ without meaning , since I did not know where I was .
21 Before the Observer leaked extracts , ministers in the DTI took the view that publication would allow the Labour party to accuse them of jeopardising the rights of any defendants to a fair trial .
22 If Modernists criticise me for copying the old , I tell them it takes a lifetime to do it well .
23 The same consideration stopped me from butting the animal ; I was n't going to put my face near those teeth .
24 And they have had many letters too — thanking them for giving the people of Tawau an electricity supply that is the envy of the rest of Eastern Malaysia .
25 Pauline began the Meeting by thanking everyone for attending the important meeting before lunch and for their concern for our future .
26 The battles of Penselwood and Sherston were apparently inconclusive , although hard-fought in the case of the latter , but Edmund was able to relieve London , driving the enemy away and defeating them after crossing the Thames at Brentford .
27 What it really means of course is that erm I 've committed ourselves to doing the dare I say it , the odd jobs .
28 Surely , then , we can confine ourselves to exploring the syntactical properties of such expressions and leave the ontological and epistemological issues , temporarily at least , to one side ?
29 The male busies himself with placing the eggs in a nest , and when this is complete , the ritual can begin again .
30 He goaded himself by picturing the ageing President , grey-haired and frail .
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