Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pembrokeshire heads my list of favourite UK walking areas .
2 I reached out an arm in the darkness and found my pile of loose coins , placed , as usual , to the left of the groundsheet .
3 The nationalist government of Edward Fenech Adami maintained its policy of encouraging West European investment [ see p. 37014 ] , liberalizing trade and foreign investment , removing import licences , and promoting export industries and private-sector employment .
4 The Chatichai government maintained its policy of increased support for the State of Cambodia ( SOC ) and the Vietnam governments alongside a sterner approach towards the Thai-based Cambodian resistance .
5 ‘ Great idea ’ said Britain 's publishers , unfurling their collection of fine antique banknotes .
6 In the immediate aftermath of war , the Conservative Party had organised its understanding of juvenile crime around different assumptions .
7 Would it be a proper recognition of the quality of their teaching and administrative staff to accept their judgment of academic standards absolutely and make them mature degree awarding bodies ?
8 Editor , — Martin R Howard and colleagues report their experience of preoperative provision of autologous blood in the Northern region between December 1989 and November 1991 .
9 This would seem to point to the need for more centralised bargaining since a government can most effectively pursue its policy of encouraging responsive bargaining if it can deal with the leaders of unions and employers who represent highly centralised structures , themselves have adequate authority and can expect appropriate support and consent from their memberships ( OECD , 1979a ) .
10 The marchioness loosened her mantle of grey cloth and threw it over a chair .
11 Nearly every chamber has its reservoir of running water at the door ; on every side are gardens , delightful alleys , shady retreats , streams , fountains and grottoes .
12 While Tyneside has its share of industrial dereliction , in Newcastle it was able to boast of a vibrant city and the region 's key cultural and educational institutions .
13 Like all teams Oxford has its share of overseas imports … is British ice hockey catching up with the North Americans ?
14 Britain 's Overseas Development Administration has its Manual of Environmental Appraisal which will presumably apply as much to East Europe as it does to the Third World .
15 Whether or not the cells that enter the feather germs make pigment is controlled by the feather germs , each of which has its set of positional values — each feather has its own address .
16 ‘ Well , my point is , you see , that gold also has its sort of magical field .
17 They expound their policy of minimal state interference to find the ‘ least detrimental available alternative ’ — one in which child placement and procedure for child placement ‘ maximises , in accord with the child 's sense of time , the child 's opportunity for being wanted and for maintaining on a continuous , unconditional and permanent basis , a relationship with at least one adult who is or will become the child 's psychological parent ’ ( Goldstein et al. , 1979 , p. 189 ) .
18 They will maintain firm control of public spending with the aim of keeping its share of national income on a downward trend over time .
19 The JIT approach developed by the Japanese also reinforced their concept of total quality control .
20 In the UK , all of the new Resource Management sites are basing their development of case-mix accounting on DRGS .
21 THE HEALTH and Safety ‘ Commission has slashed its programme of issuing regulations and guidance notes to ribbons .
22 A country that could boast the encyclopaedic knowledge of Lomonosov ( 1711–65 ) , the elegance of Karamzin 's ( 1766–1826 ) History of the Russian State , and above all the poetic genius of Pushkin ( 1799–1837 ) found its sense of cultural inferiority fading .
23 It is therefore possible to calculate the quadrupole moment of this system and to infer its output of gravitational radiation .
24 The concept of primitivism enables a society to construct its self-image not only by objectifying its concept of other distanced peoples , but also by conflating the dimension of space with that of time .
25 Thus , the jury should be instructed that the term ‘ consent ’ covers a whole range of situations from actual desire to reluctant acquiescence , and that the dividing line between real consent and mere submission must be drawn by the jury by applying its knowledge of human nature to the facts of the case .
26 A massive increase in the contribution currently made by renewable sources to Europe 's overall energy needs is required if the Community is to meet its goal of stabilising carbon dioxide output by the year 2000 , according to the European Commission .
27 The rise triggered warnings by environmentalists that Britain would fail to meet its target of freezing carbon dioxide emissions by 2005 unless the government acted quickly to introduce tight controls on the burning of coal , gas and oil .
28 A woman abandoned by her husband found her wage of new and crucial importance and looked to the union for support .
29 Viola Machin , seated in a dignified pose on the corner of the kitchen table , her white and pale blue brunch coat billowing around her , found her pose of aggrieved innocence difficult to keep up .
30 And they 've carried their tradition of illustrious contributors over to their third and latest release , ‘ Rites Of Passage ’ …
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