Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the antislavery perspective this would also make them readier to assume the responsibilities of freedom .
2 She described again and again how they went to India in the early 1920s and returned in the Depression , his work as an electrician in the mines , poverty , living in digs with the old soldier who polished the shoes and got my brother to put the finishing kaybosh on them .
3 ‘ I would n't want my son to hear a thing like that , ’ said Mrs Khalid .
4 The men asked my permission to open a case of tea and a case of tins of sausages from the stores brought by the two planes .
5 I scratch my face to feel a bloodless mound .
6 So I reached for the senator 's hand , and thereby couched my lance to face the dragon 's fire .
7 I ask you , Mr. Speaker , to grant my request to allow the House to consider this serious matter .
8 After years of immersing myself in a new culture , I went to my local GP with a long letter explaining my wish to see a psychiatrist .
9 The man began to retreat towards the door under the hail — I 'm with you , girls , I want my wife to get a wage ; then if she do n't do her work , she do n't get paid — like me . ’
10 But I want my baby to have a father — ’ and she started to cry .
11 And I want my camera to get a photograph of this when we get it outside .
12 I am disappointed that my right hon. Friend was not able to accept my invitation to attend the concert of the Royal Choral Society on a European theme at the Festival hall on 7 March , particularly as I hope to take part in it .
13 Rhys Williams was very convincing and his books did much to whet my appetite to visit the vast Soviet empire .
14 I do not know what purpose the meeting served in persuading Wapping of the merits of our plan , but it did enable me for the first and only time to see the terrain on which we were working and reinforced my enthusiasm to kill the committee at the earliest possible moment .
15 Then Caroline would have to wallop my back to stimulate a return to normal breathing .
16 ‘ And you truly do need my help to locate the ephemeral Svend — not to mention your sister . ’
17 This is consistent with the evidence of the husband in cross-examination : ‘ [ Mr. Bunn ] told me he would need my wife to sign the charge too . ’
18 I used my wealth to fund the building of a crypt at Glastonbury .
19 That man used my sister to obtain a visa . ’
20 It is recorded somewhat ruefully that , after years of struggle , when the Veterinarian had won its fight to get the course lengthened , students who had previously been apprenticed for three or four years to a practitioner claimed they at least ought to be able to leave the College after 12 months , and not have to stay the same period — two years — as the non-apprenticed .
21 However illogical it may seem , a void decision will become valid unless it is challenged within any time limit for challenges , by an applicant with sufficient standing , and unless a court exercises its discretion to award a remedy to the applicant .
22 No-one can doubt its power to evoke the imagination of millions upon millions of people through the ages and today .
23 The United States , following a major review of its strategic stance in the region in the second half of 1989 , maintained its refusal to sign the protocols to the 1985 Treaty of Rarotonga , which made the Pacific a nuclear-free zone [ see p. 33855 ] , despite the improvement in its relations with the Soviet Union .
24 The Government moved swiftly to meet their requirement to introduce the landlord and tenant legislation .
25 Justifying her decision to bar the return of the former president 's body for burial , Mrs Aquino told judges and legal workers that there was ‘ a clear and present danger of the ambition of some to destabilise the government … ’
26 The NSPCC , an independent body incorporated by royal charter , claimed ‘ public interest immunity ’ as justifying its refusal to disclose the identity of its informants .
27 The trial judge found against the wife on her contention that the husband acted as the bank 's agent to obtain her attendance to sign the charge , but made no finding whether the husband had exerted undue influence upon her .
28 Human beings turned out to be more intelligent than dandelions and modified their behaviour to match the new circumstances .
29 The President underlined her determination to pursue the coup plotters by naming a former police chief , Alfredo Lim , as the new director of a greatly strengthened National Bureau of Investigation .
30 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
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