Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's seeing me look like an old hag first thing in the morning and not minding !
2 Their disillusion with the reformist nature of the Labour governments of the 1960s , and the excitement generated by the world-wide social unrest of 1968 , led them to look for the possibility of social change in local protest movements .
3 Merymose asked me to look at the body . ’
4 ‘ He had already contacted the police and when they came they asked me to look after the children so we sat in the car .
5 Then he made me look at the windows .
6 I do n't know what made me look in the bag , but it were n't .
7 Tommaso made me look like a mature man , an important man .
8 For allowing ourselves to look at the report and find the actions , and not just the actions themselves .
9 If someone is going to put off a lot of their own money in order to get into parliament , we can , then we can hardly trust them to look to the general interests once they 're there , they 'll want a return on their investment of some sorts .
10 And we also expect them to look after the countryside and that 's something we must pay for .
11 The hidden costs of being in hospital — lost income , the cost of employing someone to look after the children , the cost of having someone to look after the home if your partner works , even your partner 's lost income — can soon add up to become a severe financial burden during an already difficult time .
12 I now realise I looked for the wrong things .
13 He found himself looking towards the floor but could see nothing , and so shook his head .
14 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
15 Delaney found himself looking at a cargo vessel with a very high superstructure three-quarters aft .
16 Peter opened one at random and found himself looking at a photograph of Kate .
17 Huy found himself looking at the man 's lips alone , and the spittle switching from one to the other , in horrified fascination and to the exclusion of everything else .
18 Lewis found himself looking at the back page of The Oxford Times which lay on the desk .
19 Rincewind made the mistake of glancing downwards , and found himself looking through the dragon to the treetops below .
20 As he handed the child to his mother , the little mouth opened in a yawn and George found himself looking into a pair of slate blue eyes .
21 But instead of the greed-crazed madman he expected , he found himself looking into the round red face of a Sergeant of the Watch .
22 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
23 Sources say its looking for a decision by Spring .
24 ( Marr was sporting a huge rockabilly quiff which looked like a French loaf sticking out of the top of his head . )
25 ‘ I suppose you must know you look like a painting , a madonna — Damn it , you 're pulling my reason all ways , Sarella .
26 ‘ I suggest you look at the evidence with your own eyes before you start accusations that you might find impossible to back up .
27 They say she looked like an angel . ’
28 I want you to look at a cow now .
29 Now the next , I want you to look at the verse prologue of the play .
30 ‘ I want you to look after the boy , Hammond .
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