Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] into the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 We book them into the Seaview and the Esplanade and give them a comradely nosh-up at the Claremont .
2 He then led them into the Catherine Palace , once more brandishing his authority whenever an official came forward to stop them .
3 In 1986 Metromedia 's six US television stations were sold to Rupert Murdoch , who has grouped them into the Fox Television network .
4 THE 1993 British and US Open champion , Patty Sheehan , had the better of a tense battle with Canada 's Dawn Coe-Jones to win the $700,000 Standard Register Ping — a 32nd tour victory which has catapulted her into the LPGA 's Hall of Fame .
5 After a searching glance at her , he led the way out and helped her into the Land Rover .
6 They should never have let him into the RAF — ca n't think why they did n't spot it .
7 As he had been invited to dine with Members afterwards , his secretary had booked him into The Howard Hotel , a few hundred yards from Parliament Square on the Victoria Embankment , overlooking the Tower of London to the east and the Houses of Parliament to the west .
8 Roebuck positioned and braced himself and at the precise moment drove his shoulder into Shelford 's midriff , stopped him instantaneously , before driving him into the Onewa Domain turf .
9 As Hollywood history has shown , Curtis recognized that he did have a drug problem when , in 1984 , he admitted himself into the Betty Ford Alcoholic and Drugs Treatment Center for treatment for his drug abuse and alcoholism .
10 He also found two more lumps in my groin and immediately booked me into the Princess Grace Hospital for the biopsy I had five days ago .
11 When I saw Dr Wardle he booked me into the Princess Grace Hospital the following Wednesday .
12 Convinced he needed therapy , Lowe booked himself into the Sierra Tucson Rehabilitation Clinic in Arizona .
13 We welcome you into the Lord 's Family .
14 Britain signs the treaty which will bring it into the EEC the following year .
15 The challenge to take hold of the world and mould it into the Utopia so desired has so far not been seen by humanity to be what it is .
16 Given the current moral climate , just how many of the great American presidents would have made it into the White House today ?
17 Okay , so I lied about the cuddly toy and the microwave , but I bet if ART could have got them into the Multiverb 's 1U , 19″ rack format they would have .
18 Now Taylor is looking forward to forcing himself into the England pace attack alongside the likes of Chris Lewis , Devon Malcolm and Phil DeFreitas .
19 So Lexy was one of the three girls mentioned by the whispering woman who had shown her into the Seraglio .
20 Then they sealed the lid and threw him into the Nile .
21 Both she and Bernard were continually taken aback by the way their staff threw themselves into the Ashley enterprise — although they expected nothing less and , in different ways it was they who inspired their employees to rise above whatever talents they thought they could offer .
22 If anyone did maybe they threw themselves into the Aire after leaving the ground ; - )
23 Sotheby 's Amsterdam , recently announced with pride that they had got themselves into The Guinness Book of Records .
24 To those activists of the Catholic right who eventually came together in the CEDA it was an illegitimate document calling for drastic ‘ revision ’ ; more widely it helped to render the passive majority of Spanish Catholics immune from the appeal of conservative Republicanism and drive them into the CEDA 's welcoming embrace .
25 The man followed her into the Misselbrook and Weston grocer 's store in Springvale near Winchester .
26 and thrust him into the Styx
27 Pete Waterman had once promised his prodigy that one day he would transform her into the Madonna .
29 Nine of the birds , confiscated from poachers who had smuggled them into the US from Mexico , have survived and seem to be doing well .
30 A typical example of such a run originated with police information that a motor yacht named Glisseuse was picking up Asians from Nieuport in Belgium and running them into the Thames Estuary .
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