Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] up the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He led me up the cobbled yard and opened the door of one of the houses .
2 ‘ Well , he rubs me up the wrong way .
3 Can I just say that er Ray phoned me up the other day and he said er , would you be prepared to take part in probationers ' , er regional probationary sort of training day er which is at coming up er in a few months time , to give erm presentation skills er I part of what we were doing , erm but just those O H Ps that we did on that part .
4 At least , this human being loyally follows me around the place , keeps tabs on me and rings me up the whole time .
5 Masklin swung backwards and forwards , trying to pull himself up the rough cloth .
6 Anyway , I phoned her up the other day to have a little chat with her .
7 ‘ My friend , Lord Auden and I cut one up the other day , ’ she says ( of an old mahogany sideboard ) .
8 Five minutes later Breeze was escorting him up the winding flagged path .
9 Well alright , but can you , can you not get rid of a couple of the boxes and what 's this thing there ? well why do n't you tip it up the other way and give yourself a bit more room , tomorrow Deana what 's that , your dictionary ?
10 We will encourage school to invest in sports facilities and open them up the local community .
11 Cos I 'd cleaned it up the other day cos it had mildew on the bottom of it !
12 Perry leads us up the unlit stairwell , the smell of urine sharp in our nostrils .
13 The oil lamp beside his bed had been extinguished , and when I saw my father glance disapprovingly at the lamp I had brought to guide me up the rickety staircase , I quickly lowered the wick .
14 Philip followed them up the open staircase and into the woman 's bedroom .
15 He kidnaps her in the hope that she will accept and return his affections and when he ties her up the sexual and emotional metaphors of the title abound .
16 Massingham followed him up the narrow uncarpeted stairs .
17 She followed him up the large curved staircase and decided that even if this was for one night only , she would be happy .
18 A girlfriend rang me up the other day .
19 Drawing her to her feet , he led her up the wide staircase to a comfortable oak-panelled bedroom which overlooked the eucalyptus trees in the garden .
20 She jangled a ring of keys , opened the door and led him up the bare , creaking stairway which climbed steeply out of the hallway .
21 Trouble was , he never would listen to orders , rubbed everyone up the wrong way .
22 As an outsider , probably being the only Englishman in the quarries , you know I I think they were surprised , the fact that it was a local family , I think that 's what really rubbed them up the wrong way .
23 I had not at that time met any Americans but the sight of them prowling through what was now my favourite town , talking in their unfamiliar accents to anyone who would listen , rubbed me up the wrong way .
24 Turn me up the right way , chief .
25 You must have touched her up the wrong way .
26 Instead , here she was , creeping around her own house like a burglar , trying to avoid a man who rubbed her up the wrong way .
27 ‘ Even though Father always manages to rub me up the wrong way .
28 Somehow you can put up with and even smile at a stranger or workmate 's silly antics and daft behaviour , but when someone close to you starts rubbing you up the wrong way you 'll explode .
29 ‘ Just that I seem to rub you up the wrong way ?
30 Leonora escorted him up the massive oak staircase to his room at the back , wished him a good night 's sleep and walked slowly back along the landing .
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