Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] the [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He might be my best friend but he will treat me the same as any other player and will only pick me for a Test if I am bowling well .
2 Because obviously if you had one particular factory on the tideway and another producing an identical product and identical effluent in one of the tributaries , you could n't treat them the same because they 're patently different cases . ’
3 No , you make them the same as us !
4 ‘ My dad looks very like me , he has everything the same as me — even the same hair and freckles all over his face .
5 and what was your desire in nineteen eighty seven before the Telegraph article , about increasing on spending advertising , keeping it the same or decreasing ?
6 It might benefit him the more if the money were to be withheld until he is older .
7 I 'm writing it the same as she writes her book .
8 Me sister 's got one the same and I said cor I like your ring I 'll never afford that and she said it 's only Argos sixty nine bleeding quid , I thought it 's fine .
9 ‘ But he 's done well and hopefully he now sees it the same as we do and we will see him on the bench in our next league game . ’
10 Or if you 're going to do it the same as we 've done these it should be S A Y E D so said is a funny one .
11 and then Mr I think necessarily may be saying something the same as or , along the same lines as Mr and then Mr have er yet another go , I think it , that 's in which case I 'm not very satisfactory because er it means that Mr has got to reassemble his final remarks erm , twice
12 So far she had not been able to reconcile her desire to keep everything the same and her desire for comfort .
13 Did that make her the same as Amelia as the others ?
14 Well making , given him the same as us .
15 He adds : ‘ In the last year , most restaurants have brought their prices down or kept them the same as last year .
16 Cos I did a weekend and so she said well erm I 'll tell you what Ann she said , I 'll give you a cheque myself she said cos you , you 'll I 'll pay you the same as
17 I 'll pay you the same as what I pay you on a Saturday is that okay ?
18 well your mum said to me well I 'll tell you the same as I 've told Con but I said I 'm not against the children or anything the children
19 I saw her and I , I be honest with you I hid , I be totally honest and I 'll tell her the same if I see her because I 've just found out then that they could n't do any more for me dad and I really did n't want to speak or see anybody and I sat in the canteen on my own , I just said to me mum , mum on the phone I said mum I need to do this on my own I said I 'm just gon na have a coffee in the cafeteria and I do n't know if you 've been in there but the cafeteria is all glass and she pulled up in a white van delivering something to the office , I thought oh no it 's Jenny she 's the last bleeding person I want there , I do n't mean that
20 And I kept it the same and that 's When we bought this in nineteen fifty four , there was a lot of alterations to be done .
21 That 's west unless we 're off course , in which case it 's night ; the King gave me the same as you , the King gave you the same as me : the King never gave me the letter , the King gave you the letter , we do n't know what 's in the letter ; we take Hamlet to the English King , it depending on when we get there who he is , and we hand over the letter , which may or may not have something in it to keep us going , and if not , we are finished and at a loose end , if they have loose ends .
22 So omega operating on V gives you the same but rotated anticlockwise .
23 That 's west unless we 're off course , in which case it 's night ; the King gave me the same as you , the King gave you the same as me : the King never gave me the letter , the King gave you the letter , we do n't know what 's in the letter ; we take Hamlet to the English King , it depending on when we get there who he is , and we hand over the letter , which may or may not have something in it to keep us going , and if not , we are finished and at a loose end , if they have loose ends .
24 And it was a completely different fitting to the other one so I was gon na get one the same as the old one
25 There were no squabbles … as long as they did everything the same as anybody else and paid their fees , which were exactly the same .
26 Yo , to get it the same as the sides
27 Parenthood promises them the same as the women — a future .
28 He said : ‘ I buy them the same as I buy anything else and pass them on .
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