Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [modal v] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that the recession they have caused and which so nearly ditched them will not go away automatically .
2 I suppose it was this that made Richard think I could not manage Flora 's job .
3 Haughtily I will now declare that even if asked I could not endorse anything in which I did not believe .
4 As I eat I can not help but notice the Frenchman attending to the pig ; he has now cut the animal 's throat and has set alight to the straw , the flames and smoke engulfing the unfortunate pig .
5 At the time it was worth five shillings , no mean sum for a Gorbals kid , but had this promise been honoured I would not have parted with the note .
6 I regret I can not give the correct pronunciation of the Gaelic names of the mountains : I never mastered them , adopting instead roughly similar English equivalents ; thus , for example , Ceathreamhnan to me was Chrysanthemum …
7 I regret I can not give the petitioner relief .
8 But I regret I can not agree with some of the reasoning in the judgments .
9 You must forgive me , Mrs O'Dell , I fear I can not stay for coffee — I have many other calls upon my time .
10 And I fear I can not answer that question to anyone 's satisfaction .
11 ‘ I fear I can not help you .
12 ‘ I fear I can not help you , ’ the voice concluded smoothly .
13 I mean I can not believe that the guy
14 If I am wrong , you may say nothing , and I vow I will not ask you again . ’
15 It was pleasant but had I been blindfolded I would not have been able to tell the difference from its cheaper , non-organic counterpart .
16 As some of Mr. Gould 's descriptions appeared to me brief , I have enlarged them , but have always endeavoured to retain his specific character ; so that , by this means , I trust I shall not throw any obscurity on what he considers the essential character in each case ; but at the same time , I hope , that these additional remarks may render the work more complete .
17 One girl was a hard , chain-smoking sales machine letting me know I could not set up a multi-national congress without multi-national advertising .
18 ‘ So take the box back with you , ’ she said gently , ‘ and say I would not dream of accepting anything , because of course they are family things .
19 Does not he have a powerful point when he says : ’ The new system is run by accountants who do n't have to sit across the table from the patient and say I can not treat you' ’ until the new financial year ?
20 I was about to add his son had been an excellent patient , and found I could not do it .
21 ‘ I found I could not afford it so I pulled out , ’ he said .
22 The only trouble is that it lies quite close to a footbridge and as soon as anyone walks across it I can guarantee I will not get a bite for at least an hour afterwards .
23 Y ( the car dealer ) was fraudulent and two things occurred which ought not to have done .
24 ‘ You should know you 'll not change your father now and he means everything for the best for the whole house , ’ she argued forcibly but the strain was showing on her own drawn , anxious features .
25 In the ‘ He had green parakeets ’ opening she could not understand how the bird would get into the cage with his wings spread .
26 She , and could , found she could not fly and laid there looking at the sky .
27 She found she could not look up at him .
28 I suggest you will not take amiss the suggestion of a suitable restorative . ’
29 I expect you will not see me again , eh ?
30 It howls you can not say whether out of agony or joy .
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