Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I met the then Chairman of the AAA , Bill Ferguson , who asked me what the problem was all about .
2 She asked me what the time was .
3 My mum come up to see me and asked me what the bandage was for and I told her I 'd burnt myself .
4 I think this was the day you asked me what the quality of life was .
5 Mass attendance , erm , mentioned the hospital , he asked me what the hospital was like you know , whether it was acute or , or whatever erm
6 And , it was the attitude of the other men going to a , play another school , I came across this man who asked me who the referee was on that particular day ?
7 I think I stopped when I once asked someone what the matter was and he said : ‘ If you do n't know , then you ca n't love me . ’
8 Lord Morison said it had been argued that the unique and novel attempt by the Mullan family to establish something which the Crown had failed to do in a criminal case raised questions of general importance .
9 Certainly we just told them what the problem was , told them that there was ever such a nice quarry further down the road if they wanted to visit a slate quarry .
10 Er I would appreciate it very very much indeed Mike if er you know you could recommend me to one or two people you know , open minded like yourself who I can sit with , take a couple of er half an hour of their time like I 've done with you , show them what the services are .
11 But , in fact , as I pointed out the minute you told me what the letters said , there was n't one line there to connect them with Chambers .
12 ‘ I remembered , ’ said Wexford , ‘ as soon as Cullam told me whose the body was .
13 I 'll swear the boy was alone , he told me himself the enterprise was his own .
14 A bird kept in captivity is fed all year round , so obviously it has an easier time than one in the wild which has to feed itself whatever the season , but it still has the hunting instinct .
15 to be delivered in one statement show you what the chances are you 'll be doing it anyway but not erm what you are actually doing purpose you 'll always be followed by a tentative benefit always be followed by cheque standing or in this case tell me how does that .
16 Well it told you what the subject titles were .
17 If I told you what the wine cost , you would n't dare drink it . ’
18 See if I reflected to this one I 'll show you what the affect is .
19 These text handling capabilities are adequate for most uses , but the font list is rather limited and the font window does n't show you what the font looks like before you select it .
20 She apparently threatened to leave him unless he told her who the person was .
21 Nature has produced stones that show us what the earth 's magnetic field has looked like for millions of years .
22 The frescoes show us what the colonnades looked like and capitals of varying designs can be inferred from them ; some of the stone pedestal lamps seem to be miniature versions of the full-sized timber columns .
23 So far as ordinary citizens and non-governmental bodies are concerned , the background principle of English law is that a person or body may do anything which the law does not prohibit .
24 ‘ Locally , both the Teesside TEC voluntary sector group and managing agents in Cleveland have told me what the effects of these blinkered policies will be in the coming year .
25 ‘ Not until you 've told me what the hell happened to make you trigger shy . ’
26 Give me what the others want nothing to do with .
27 Notice that the preview shows you what the icon will look like at its normal size .
28 Perhaps you will think that this was good news , but I have not told you who the police had arrested .
29 Er , see give her something the wee'uns , he 's got two wee
30 After yesterday 's show — all about problems in relationships — Jenny said : ‘ I have never told him what the pie was but now he will know and I hope he is sick . ’
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