Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [prep] a [det] " in BNC.

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1 She had enough tins in the larder to see them through a few days at least .
2 The realization that I had an incurable disease that was likely to kill me in a few years was a bit of a shock .
3 He felt very weak , however , and every so often he retched convulsively , though without vomiting for he had consumed nothing except a little water in the past twenty-four hours .
4 he asked me for a few slices of bread which he broke into pieces and scattered over the roof .
5 It was still unthinkable to see him without his sketchbook and pencil , but of the hundreds and hundreds of drawings he made , he gave away many or sold them for a few francs .
6 You ca n't buy me with a few armfuls of flowers . ’
7 Inside is a long , uncarpeted prison-like corridor with bedrooms on either side of it , a television lounge which is furnished in the drabbest possible manner and a recreation room which contains nothing but a few wooden chairs and tables .
8 However , Will Purser helped me with a few defensive sentences such as , ‘ Please talk slowly , I have only just begun to learn Burmese . ’
9 Please let solicitors deal with everything , and also , please believe me when I say that I want nothing but a few mementos of my father .
10 One night , he found himself with a few other police enveloped in the hatred of a black township uprising .
11 It might not be as easy as plotting Vologsky 's defection — and Kirov had only just reminded himself of a few of the terrors which he could face if he failed .
12 We can do all that and I can introduce you to a few people . ’
13 Sticky Block — Holds you for a few seconds .
14 He 'll cry long and hard , and though you can soothe him for a few minutes at a time , hours can pass without you ever really silencing the cries .
15 Maybe someone bold enough to improvise like that would even take the risk of getting himself really knocked out and dropped in the water , knowing I could n't fail to find him in a few minutes . ’
16 Going it alone in difficult times is not to be recommended , but if you wish to try it for a few weeks then there is no harm done , simply time lost if you are unsuccessful .
17 Cook it for a few minutes longer than stated and eat it
18 That does not render it inedible if you cook it within a few hours — or freeze it immediately .
19 As I cleaned the little beauty and mounted it in my new display case , I promised myself that I would do everything possible to provide it with a few companions in the months that followed .
20 An old worker , after giving the machine a jaundiced look , turned the handle and tried it with a few roots .
21 On page 48 , Jim Levi profiles the man who will occupy one of the hottest seats in British banking , so I will confine myself to a few points .
22 ‘ You 'll like this one , ’ they leer , before showering me with a few priceless gems from the treasury of homophobic humour .
23 My God , for 15 years I 'd written nothing but a few songs . ’
24 This is me , I goes , I goes I 'll let it slip this time cos you have n't seen me for a few weeks .
25 Can I just borrow you for a few moments ?
26 I cried out in relief and happiness : I thought I recognised him as a former schoolmate , a boy with whom I used to exchange groans about the maths problems whose solutions so frequently eluded us .
27 In the church Richard fell to prayer with such absorption that Lady Dalton forbore to disturb him when she entered , but her son recognised him as a former Oxford student .
28 AN ARMED robber ‘ executed ’ a security guard because he recognised him as a former schoolmate , a court was told yesterday .
29 I 've seen her for a few minutes , but now they 've taken her to be X-rayed .
30 A little better ; he had seen her in a few more moods , some higher , some lower .
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