Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Peggy was aware that many of her sayings were threadbare , she had heard them many times before , but as the comedian said , it was n't what as said , it was the way it was told .
2 These words of wisdom remind me of a student who came to see me many years ago after the long vacation during which she had begun her undergraduate dissertation ( with another tutor who had left the university that summer , I must emphasize ) .
3 He came to see me some weeks later explaining that he had failed to get a job .
4 Now , in terms of functional group isomerism I 'm gon na take a slightly different example right let's take this one here first of all I 've now started to do what the examiners will do now I 'll make them identical structures there somewhere and you really do need to be able to name them in order to see where they are or if they are .
5 Bromine , the atom in halons which makes them effective fire fighters , also renders them three times more damaging to the ozone layer than the better known chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , used in aerosols and refrigerators .
6 My old , dear and intimate friend Princess Marie Louise , who furnishing the Queen 's Dolls ' House , asked me some months ago to let twelve poems of mine be copied small to form one volume in the library ; and I selected the twelve shortest and simplest and least likely to fatigue the attention of dolls or the illustrious House of Hanover . ’
7 He sent his parents a letter promising that ‘ if the good Lord God be merciful unto me and bring me safe home again , I will all the days of my life serve Him in praising His Holy name and exhorting others ’ .
8 Wattling , bring me those saucers there . ’
9 On the day the telegram arrived from Southern Ferries , a close friend who had given me much encouragement now began to question my continuing any further .
10 Right okay if it was X cubed that would have given me three times too much
11 You ai n't given me any tickets lately .
12 South bank as well 'cause that 's where I started , where I got my first board ever .
13 ‘ I found that within the first two years I more than trebled my external income simply because I was entertaining at a large conference-style table in a nicely furnished area .
14 Of the thousand-plus programmes I must have taken part in during those years I remember very little , and those mostly trivial things : Thor Heyerdahl the Norwegian explorer arriving half an hour late from Broadcasting House because the taxi driver sent to fetch him understood he had been told to pick up four airedales ( a reasonable enough request , he reckoned , from the BBC ) ; the maverick film director Ken Russell whacking Alexander Walker , the Evening Standard film critic , over the head with a copy of his own paper ; Norman St John Stevas , MP ( now Lord St John of Fawsley ) winking at a cameraman who had had the stars and stripes sewn on to the bottom of his jeans ; Enoch Powell 's eyes filling with tears when I asked if he was an emotional man ; A. J. P. Taylor on his seventy-fifth birthday admitting he had never been offered an honour and when I asked him which he would like if given the choice , his replying , ‘ A baronetcy , because it would make my elder son so dreadfully annoyed . ’
15 ‘ We 're sorry that we teased you — and I promise to wear my blue headband tomorrow , ’ Sophie whispered in her ear .
16 But I 'd like to see my own kind better off than they are . ’
17 The dust storms made my new bike very dirty .
18 I tried to get the trade unions into a form which made my managerial activities easier rather than trying to let them find a consensus between themselves .
19 She was superb throughout , counselling me to stay out , and this made my eventual decision all the more poignant .
20 Social justice means that we deny ourselves many things so that others may have to do without them as well , or , what is the same thing , may not be able to ask for them .
21 ‘ So happy to gleet my good fliends here tonight ’ , he began , and spoke for a few moments on the glories of old Cathay .
22 Send me some money soon .
23 They told him to meet them two nights later and threatened frightful consequences if he should fail to appear .
24 ‘ He beat me three years ago , but it will be different this time , ’ said Porter at a press conference yesterday .
25 I seen them this morning so tell Mr
26 Asian ships did not go round the Cape of Good Hope to trade with Europe , and East Indiamen , as the Company 's ships were called , were so heavily armed and were so much safer from the risk of piracy that merchants found them useful carriers even though they did not sail as fast as local ships until the Company had its ships built of teak some decades later .
27 She said : ‘ Mia found them several months ago .
28 My mother found me floating face downwards and I was saved by artificial respiration .
29 The two companies broke off negotiations in December only to restart them two weeks ago .
30 He caught me last time though .
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