Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had heard me talking to the Princess .
2 They really are a very vibrant organization , and er , I think we really would wish them well , and , and very pleasing to see them adapting to the new circumstances .
3 This encourages them to listen to the responses and to each other .
4 After that the solid throb of their engines and the thrill of seeing them skim to a halt on the waters of Poole Harbour were mere memories , although they continued to give excellent service in other parts of the world and a travel company has recently introduced a nostalgic flying-boat holiday across Africa on the route once used by Imperial Airways .
5 ‘ Bob , ’ said Tessa , when he had put the phone down again , ‘ do you want me to come to the funeral or not ? ’
6 East Germany had agreed to give them papers allowing them to go to the country of their choice , and they were expected to leave Poland ‘ in the very near future ’ .
7 It takes the form partly of encouraging them to relate to the personal and subjective while boys begin to grapple with the impersonal and objective .
8 Those which have are reaping impressive rewards simply by identifying precisely the services or products customers want ; looking at their most lucrative areas ; finding out what clients really value ; and establishing what would make them move to a competing hotel .
9 It took the London store magnate Gordon Selfridge , who included them in his own advertising copy in the evening papers , to show that publishing them would increase the value of the paper to its readers , rather than make them desert to a rival medium .
10 You do n't want them to go to the police , do you ? ’
11 Erm things you would and you would n't want them connected to the mains , stuck in your mouth .
12 Warranties ‘ are other obligations which , though they must be performed , are not so vital that a failure to perform them goes to the substance of the contract . ’
13 ‘ Unless , of course , you 'd prefer me to report to the Reichsführer that we lost this man because of your stupidity . ’
14 THE Hampshire Playing Fields Association have just launched a £250,000 public appeal to enable them to respond to the ever-increasing demands for support of sport and recreational projects throughout the county .
15 Additionally the following measures were agreed : ( i ) that a joint working party would be set up , charged with defining " political offences in the South African situation " and with advising on " mechanisms for dealing with the release of political prisoners and the granting of immunity " ; ( ii ) that " temporary immunity from prosecution for political offences " would be considered as a matter of urgency for the ANC 's NEC members and others , to enable them to return to the country without fear of prosecution ; ( iii ) that the government would " review existing security legislation to bring it into line with the new dynamic situation developing in South Africa in order to ensure normal and free political activities " ; ( iv ) that the government would work towards the lifting of the state of emergency ; ( v ) that efficient channels of communication between the government and the ANC would be set up in order to curb violence and intimidation from whatever quarter .
16 Frog eggs are about one to two millimetres in diameter and , like the chick , have enough yolk to enable them to grow to a stage when they can feed themselves .
17 The idea of a one-woman tribute was conceived five years ago , when larger-than-life director Bryan Izzard asked me to contribute to a Channel Four programme on the monologue called The Eye Of The Little Yellow Dog , starring , amongst others , the late Leonard Rossiter , Cilla Black , Alec McCowen , Diane Langton , Anita Harris and Ronald Lacey .
18 He said he 'd flown over urgently to see me and asked me to come to the Cheshire Cheese , that pub in Fleet Street , at ten o'clock that night .
19 Caduta asked me to come to an address in Little Italy at two o'clock that afternoon .
20 About three months before I finally , I was husband made me go to the doctor or go to the doctors for me and that 's when I realized it was depression I did n't know anything about it then .
21 Some of the love passages made me cry to the astonishment of John who came in with the coals .
22 Some old people have ill-fitting dentures which make them change to a ‘ soft ’ diet of bread , jam , cakes , biscuits , tinned puddings , and other convenience foods which do not supply all their dietary requirements .
23 However , I feel it is better to dominate all dogs equally and make them come to a submissive position in front of the owner , preferably the down position .
24 Worst of all , would the option to ignore the incident make me party to an action I abhor ?
25 On the Sunday following the manor fire , as Tom , Seb , Dolly and Carrie left Swinbrook chapel after the morning service , Christian asked them to come to the farmhouse .
26 but I mean I went to a church school
27 I mean I went to a boarding school before I came here that was just like that but , but it was more like , I do n't know , the guys there , I had more friends that were boys than friends with the girls , yeah
28 I mean I think to a , I think to a degree we always have been fifty sort of thing when the rock 'n' roll started to come over then again you see for we , we look little one .
29 Perhaps he secretly thinks I belong to the same world .
30 I goes I went to the end I goes look I 'll tell you all together get it over with I lost my balance and I dropped it .
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