Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 I did n't recognise my sister at first when she opened the door , she 'd cut her hair , but the eyes were the same , there were small creases at the sides , the skin puffy , roughened by crying .
2 The Court dismissed their appeal at first instance but they appealed ( see MS Fashions Ltd and Others v Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA [ 1992 ] , The Times , 23 June ) .
3 Usually they have few opportunities to check that their instructions are being pursued and almost none to supervise their execution at first hand .
4 Joey did n't recognise his cousin at first , and kept peering along as if to make sure .
5 An alternative is a data-driven approach in which we base our investigation of first impressions on people 's experience , observations and accounts and then develop informal theories on the basis .
6 She did not go up to London to see her lover without first drawing fifteen pounds out of her bank account , and thinking up a convincing story to tell her parents , and packing a good book to read on the train ( it was U.S.A. by John dos Passos , and she had read four and a half pages of it before she had been interrupted by her neighbour 's knee ) , and looking up her lover 's address in the A to Z.
7 By seeing their work at first hand , they 're hoping he 'll be convinced of the need for more officers .
8 I said I reckoned she got her oar in first and thought I 'm gon na
9 When he went back into the room , she got her word in first .
10 In the Brandeston forge the smith kept a four and a half gallon barrel of beer under the bench , and the men got their allowances of First Nail from this .
11 C D trials give a good opportunity to see if the driving system stands up to a teacher who was not involved in the design of the unit and C DL and C D L trials separately show its effectiveness on first acquaintance and its effectiveness after the teacher is acclimatized to its use .
12 In view of the harsh treatment of the victims of mental illness in hospitals like Bedlam , where members of the public or the acting profession could study their behaviour at first hand , it is not surprising that no striking instances of writers proclaiming themselves mad by writing about their own affliction have come to light in this period .
13 If you put your tailplane on first , you might say , quite rightly , that this will not happen with your equipment .
14 Put your legs in first and then you just fit in .
15 ‘ Henri should stick to making soup , ’ Mandy said , obviously not liking her position as first with the news being usurped .
16 I explained how I 'd attempted to fire at the Corporal as Kaptan lay on the ground and how the gun had malfunctioned ; it would be more accurate to say I 'd been first to aim but the Corporal had got his shots off first .
17 BRISTOL ROVERS began their fight for First Division survival yesterday by signing QPR 's Andy Tillson and Gary Waddock for nearly £500,000 .
18 Let herself go a bit — ye get that with women whose men are giving them a hard time , and who hav'na found a way of getting their retaliation in first . ’
19 So if I start another tape I think I 've to put their names in first right .
20 Or , for instance , the floating roadway where traffic was going down on the barges to go across the river , it would be well worth any particular company to have a word with the officer on the floating roadway to let their vehicles through first .
21 As it has been seen in Buxtehude that drivers take about six months to change their driving style and attitude , further falls in emissions are possible as they increasingly adopt defensive driving in third gear as an appropriate style rather than the aggressive driving in second gear that characterises their responses on first encountering Tempo 30 zones .
22 He 's been told he can do it legally only if he takes his uniform off first .
23 He says , for a start get your glasses on first !
24 If something does not fit our priorities at first sight is there something we can do by way of modification that will allow the priorities to be met ?
25 ‘ What I mean , my girl , is that you swanned in here , full of self-righteous anger because a little carpenter had deigned to clutter your space without first consulting you , and quite frankly I was sick to my back teeth with what I saw . ’
26 If the patient has changed a lot in his attitudes , you should bide your time at first , if you can , in case he does recover to become as before .
27 A lulling orchestral accompaniment , some smokey crooning and an ingratiating melody gatecrash your approval on first hearings and then slowly reveal the tumult of fury that seethes beneath the surface .
28 POLICE divers last night called off their search of a six-mile stretch of the River Nidd near Harrogate , North Yorks , for a four-month-old girl whose mother claimed to have thrown her into the water , and will resume their efforts at first light .
29 It has pinned its future to first the Zilog Inc Z8000 , then the Motorola Inc 68000 , then the Mips Technologies Inc R-series , before now deciding that Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha RISC is the road to salvation .
30 The social worker regularly assigned to the case seemed to call when most of the children were at school , so he was unable to judge their progress at first hand .
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