Example sentences of "[verb] [art] more than a " in BNC.

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1 He had about a pound on him , in small change , which would buy no more than a chocolate bar and a couple of packets of crisps .
2 Even the most significant unions could recruit no more than a small fraction of the workers in their industry .
3 His violence towards them might even be deemed no more than a Satanic desire to get them used to the notion of reigning in Hell rather than serving in Heaven .
4 The new companies , many of them under a year old and employing no more than a couple of dozen people , base their computers on processor chips imported from the US .
5 It may need no more than a discussion session , or a change of emphasis introduced at an appropriate point to allow this to be covered .
6 It is best to write no more than a bar of the leading voice before adding the consequent and assessing the result .
7 The bomb weighed no more than a pound and a man could carry up to thirty of them .
8 And he was there , making the impossible leap from the ground to the moving platform , ducking beneath the barrel of the cannon , waving his chainsword in circles as if it weighed no more than a walking stick .
9 Before she had time to move she felt his arms around her , scooping her bodily from the fountain as if she weighed no more than a feather .
10 She was lifted against his bare chest as if she weighed no more than a feather , the shock of his warm skin and the slight roughness of short , curling hair against her palms rendering her abruptly speechless .
11 ‘ When a mathematician proves some proposition you had not known , he accomplishes no more than a man who discloses the contents of a casket … by opening it up . ’
12 The very circumstance , however , which made the public schools a perfect vehicle for propaganda — their isolation , through the boarding system , from the outside world and the idiosyncratic influence of families — ensured that Dr Arnold , in his crusade for the personal salvation of his charges , could enjoy no more than a limited success .
13 In that situation X , being an unsecured creditor , is likely to obtain no more than a small percentage of the price he is owed .
14 And , as we shall see , one who has mere possession at the date of the conversion can generally sue , and so can one who has no more than a right to possess .
15 If a tenant takes only an upper floor of a building and has no more than a right to use the entrance hall for the purposes of approaching the property demised he must stipulate for the right to put a nameplate outside the property ( other than that part demised to him ) if he desires this convenience ( Berry ( Frederick ) Ltd v Royal Bank of Scotland [ 1949 ] 1 KB 619 per Lord Goddard CJ at 621 ) .
16 He has no more than a 5050 chance . ’
17 Its study is therefore in its infancy , and the cases presented above provide no more than a glimpse of its potential interest .
18 Left to their own devices , most roses tend to develop new growth into which they direct their sap and energy , bear bloom , and which then — as it becomes old and tired — gradually either becomes starved , by-passed , neglected and finally aborted as the plant constantly turns its attention to new growth , or it develops a barky exterior layer as it settles down to becoming no more than a main road communicating between the raw material goods received from the warehouse in the soil and the production factory upstairs — quite often , a very long way upstairs .
19 Membership of a specific group was often the product of a boss — follower relationship with one of its leading members , and thus very large groups were in danger of becoming no more than a coalition of personal factions .
20 Overcrowded conditions meant that families could rent no more than a ‘ corner ’ of shared accommodation .
21 I ca n't X-ray it , of course , but I 'm pretty sure you 've suffered no more than a bad concussion .
22 I said well no I cos I said I expected a co I think she deserved a more than a commended .
23 That 's asking an awful lot of people who seek no more than a relaxing pint or two , or more especially when the Bishop pulls the first pint of the day .
24 We must accept that the bogus traveller — that is the best title to give to such a person — is seeking no more than a better life .
25 Offending policemen frequently receive no more than a dishonourable discharge , and may resume killing in plain clothes , Mr Santos said , while some adolescents — who under Brazilian law are not criminally responsible - are also employed to kill other children .
26 The owner is company director Paul Scott , who says the giant painting in his entrance hall cost no more than a personalised number plate .
27 Societies of boys were what the public schools essentially remained , with the masters forming no more than a thin crust of adult authority .
28 Although her brother , Bert , was now employed by a local fisherman , Arnold Spence , and could do no more than a few day 's work at Four Winds now and then , nevertheless her new arrangements left Harriet free to work outside herself and this regular exercise had a calming effect , releasing her from a great deal of inner tension .
29 We know of one prolific kite-maker , whose kites are marketed everywhere , who uses no more than a sharp knife of the ‘ snap-off ’ type to cut dozens of panels in a laminated pack around a metal template .
30 The idea of regional or republican cost-accounting received no more than a cautious welcome in the resolution on national relations that was adopted at the conference ; the resolution did however speak of the ‘ further development ’ of the federation , involving the transfer of greater powers to the local level and to the union republics in particular .
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