Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Previously the rate support grant had been distributed to authorities on the basis of a complex formula which took account of a number of factors , including levels of local prosperity , which influence the need for local services .
2 Because they lacked the capacity for complete cultural and political hegemony , he argues , not all elements in the movement were assimilated .
3 Forecasting the Demand for Higher Education
4 In the Boston area up to 2ft of snow fell and the storm was compared to a 1978 blizzard which paralysed the city for four days .
5 This causes a build up of pressure in the solution compartment until , at equilibrium , the pressure exactly counteracts the tendency for further solvent flow .
6 Though she had foreseen the need for such a private moment Louisa would certainly not have chosen it to occur so quickly .
7 Given the close relationship between the occupational behaviour of working-class adolescents and their ‘ personality ’ , reformers faced certain difficulties : how to imbue them with approved ethical principles ; how to turn them into efficient workers ; how effectively to reorganize the labour-market for social and economic ends .
8 The Prime Minister , Aníbal Cavaço Silva , had been under pressure to reorganize the government for some time , and the Cabinet sworn in on Jan. 5 contained five new ministers .
9 Knead the dough for two minutes .
10 The plebiscitary acclamation which could always be mobilized by Hitler provided him with an unassailable base of popularity , and as such offered the regime legitimation both within Germany and in the eyes of foreign powers , allowing the scope for further mobilization and a gathering momentum of Nazi policy .
11 Belgium and Luxembourg on March 2 , 1990 , abolished the dual exchange rate used within their monetary union which pegged the Luxembourg-Belgian franc for current commercial transactions while allowing the rate for financial transactions to float freely .
12 Can my hon. Friend confirm that when he announces new proposals for deregulation he will ensure that he and his officials have consulted the Minister for small businesses to see that every effort is made to take into account the needs of small businesses and that deregulation , wherever possible , is increased , so that small businesses can get special exemptions where possible from what can be very complicated regulations and procedures that the Government introduce ?
13 He endured the situation for ten minutes , then he grew tetchy .
14 Cover and simmer the chicken for 15–20 minutes , until tender .
15 By the time you 've seen your third rapist walk free because you 've been cleverer than the prosecuting counsel , you lose the taste for that particular victory .
16 Until humans lose the need for social bonding — not to mention their animal instinct for alcohol — you 'll always have a local .
17 She should now aim to be 1 lb ( 0.5 kg ) below her starting weight on most days ; she should reduce sugar on cereal to just one teaspoon ; she should use less meat when making up meat meals like stews , using more vegetables instead ( this is as well , of course , as maintaining the goal for fat reduction from Week 1 ) ; she should have salted meat or salted fish only three times a week in total ( you will remember that salt goals last for two weeks each ) ; she should have one or two pieces of fresh fruit each day ( this is as well as the goal for Week 1 , having pulses with one meal each day ) ; she should have a brisk twenty-minute walk each day .
18 But we are determined to play our part in maintaining the momentum for closer co-operation to build a stronger European economy , to extend social justice , to preserve the environment , and to deepen our democracy .
19 It 's maintaining the diet for longer and keeping the weight off which is the tricky part .
20 Sukarno regained importance as consensus figure : ‘ If it should ever turn out that Sjahrir is not maintaining the demand for 100 per cent Merdeka … then I have the right to dismiss him ’ , he told a wildly cheering crowd on 17 February 1946 .
21 In reaching this conclusion I have not , of course , overlooked the findings in the special case [ that the owners never intended to affirm the agreement for extra payments ] but I do not think that an intention on the part of the owners not to affirm the agreement for the extra payments , not indicated to the yard , can avail them in view of their overt acts .
22 The social transformation brought about by the enfranchisement , economic as well as political , of working populations has not impaired the regard for precious substances as symbols of excellence in every field of endeavour , any more than it lessened the hunger for personal jewellery remarked in our opening chapter .
23 ‘ We 've never closed a store , but if we ever did close that one , we would be happy to restore the land for industrial use . ’
24 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
25 Management involves the accountability for role-related actions which it is the manager 's responsibility to produce and facilitate in others .
26 Gestures must convey the message for those friends who can not appreciate words .
27 Former land owners could still gain full compensation for land up to a value of 1,000,000 forint if they undertook to cultivate the land for five years and registered themselves as entrepreneurs under a system of " entrepreneurial assistance " .
28 Chief Executive Dr Robin Jeffery agreed the target for 1993 – 94 of savings of £2 million — a very great deal of money , but one which is attainable .
29 Shakhrai had criticized the Council for conservative bias , and his appointment strengthened reformist representation on this powerful body [ see also p. 39019 ] .
30 Now the formula one grand prix circus is getting ready to hit the road for another season … first race is in South Africa in five weeks time … what 's new … is it going to be a head to head between Mansell and Senna …
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