Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When he goes out there to wait for her in the evening , I sometimes think : It is n't Rosa .
2 Now , as she crossed into Farringdon Street and saw familiar landmarks , she stopped and put down her bag , gazing about her with the pleasure of someone who has come home after a long absence .
3 Russian into business.Market stalls might not hold that much interest for the average Briton , but for Ekaterina Likhoda from Nizhni Tagil in the Russian Urals , ( see below , far right with South Wales Society president Paul Marshall — also pictured on the far left are Ekaterina 's interpreter , Olga Lewis , and Michelle Thomson , owner of the fruit stall ) it was all part of an unusual business-study trip arranged for her by the Institute 's General Practitioner Board .
4 She knew he cared , he showed it , but he would n't say the things she wanted to hear — that he cared for her to the exclusion of all others , and wanted her in his life to the exclusion of all others .
5 A storm of pain ripped through her like the indigo fingers of a tornado and carried her out on to a midnight sea .
6 She paused , surprised by the wave of pain and nostalgia that passed through her at the mention of the name , leaving her weak and trembling ; as if the sights , sounds , smells , tastes , feelings , sufferings of years could be experienced again in a single spasm of sickening intensity : the cold cubicle , the rustle of habits and the squeaking of boots as the nuns filed into the chapel , the stink of stew in the refectory ; her first lesson , the children shaking their up-stretched hands , eager to please the new sister ; Hilda , dew-fresh in her white blouse and neatly-pressed gym-slip , shy and ardent in the back row ; Hilda and herself together in the copse , in the chapel , in the cloisters , praying , talking , joking , sharing secrets , confidences …
7 I told Isobel we 'd wait for her at the Café de la Paix … ‘
8 She did n't think he would use the ticket , any more than he would wait for her after the performance .
9 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
10 She sincerely believes that her grandmother looks after her in the spirit world .
11 Arnie had never looked after her in the way Guido meant , performing the sort of small but pleasing acts of chivalry that seemed to come so naturally to him .
12 Losing two front teeth , even two false front teeth , at the age of fifty , even if only for a week , had distressed him : he had sat opposite her at the breakfast table with a napkin over his mouth , and she knew that it had taken some courage to go to the board meeting at all .
13 As Sara leaned over the gate , a slight figure who had been obscured behind them began walking towards her along the hedge .
14 And then , the enormous figure with rust-coloured moustaches walking towards her in the hall .
15 A spider the size of her thumbnail dropped past her in the gloom , its legs brushing her cheek .
16 I knew she was registered at Essex , I knew she was basically dishonest , a boozer , a feminist and — from the brief glimpse I 'd caught of her in the Mimosa Club — no featherweight .
17 Vitor moved towards her along the sofa .
18 Fortunately , she was petite and thin , almost to the point of emaciation , but all the same Sabine needed all her strength to struggle with her to the grass on the opposite side of the road .
19 One day I 'm walking with her beside the river , and I 've got my arm round her shoulders , and she 's put her arm round my waist , and we laugh at everything , and stop every few yards to kiss , and think , this is fantastic !
20 Ada Thompson who knew Herbert Varley who was married to a Jewish girl , asked Daisy , one dank and drizzling November afternoon two years ago , to come with her to the Mandelbaums ' .
21 So she asked Curtis and Mrs Files — who had been watching Delia Sutherland 's reaction from the service door — to come with her into the morning room where she explained the situation as frankly as possible .
22 Her father had sat with her through the nights , holding her hands , comforting her , robbing himself of sleep to be with her and help her through the worst of it .
23 He had sat with her in the long dark evenings , had made sure she ate at mealtimes .
24 She kicked out at him as he covered her body with his but he held her tight and rolled with her into the protection of the trees .
25 Unexpected excitement flickered inside her at the thought .
26 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
27 This was meant to be the moment of her greatest satisfaction , when she unleashed on him all the bitterness and resentment that she had carried inside her over the years .
28 And naturally his only means of getting in touch would be to write to her at the one address he knew : Elise 's cottage .
29 She was always surprised that things did n't fall on her from the sky more often , considering how much was up there these days .
30 A wonderful change had come over her since the episode with the cockchafers .
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