Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 No longer does he cling on to the status that he wrested from him with such arrogance and cruelty .
2 There had been no need to cling to him with such ardour — no need to respond to his kiss with such wanton abandon .
3 That was why she had reacted to him with such ferocity , why she had such difficulty tearing her mind away from him , why she shivered inside each time she pictured his face .
4 Lambert looked at him with such energy that for a moment Killion thought he had discovered a way out of it .
5 Thus , if the grant or demise be made for a particular purpose , the grantor or lessor comes under an obligation not to use the land retained by him in such a way as to render the land granted or demised unfit or materially less fit for the particular purpose for which the grant or demise was made …
6 ( 6 ) is very similar : given the opinion that Sir Jee had of himself , he could not understand what could lead someone to speak to him in such a way .
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