Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him on the " in BNC.

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1 But , Father , I never meant to kill , when I slipped out alone , and went to wait for him on the path by which I knew he must return .
2 Beside him sat a man of such immense proportions that Eddie Stratton wondered how he could ever fit into the seat that had been booked for him on the flight to Heathrow , scheduled to leave in forty minutes ' time .
3 Things , however , came to a head one day when a veterinary surgeon on his rounds , in a regulation Volvo estate , was alarmed to see Noddy tearing towards him on the wrong side of the road , in hot pursuit of a Transit van .
4 Once , months later , when she went to the Regency on a Saturday night with some girlfriends she practically bumped into him on the stairs .
5 I was put to work with him on the same bench and he not only taught me toolmaking , he also taught me about the trade union movement and the kind of society he wanted to see . ’
6 Paul had reasons for the private emptying of his ; he was still treating himself with a solution of the doctor 's recommended potassium permanganate crystals , and had to make his exit quickly when Willie was out of the room , as that gregarious gentleman would have come with him on the same errand ; then hurry outside with the tell-tale purple contents , empty them , rinse the pot at the pump , and come back .
7 ‘ They disagreed with him on the size of the tax reduction .
8 In any proceeding in which no pre-trial review has been fixed , the district judge may nonetheless give notice to the parties requiring them to appear before him on the day named in the notice , so that the question of giving directions may be considered ( Ord 17 , rr 10 and 11(4) ) .
9 She thought of the times she had put her hand into Nick 's , how she had sat beside him on the grass only half an hour ago .
10 In 1741 Collinson reported to him on the miraculous achievement at Thorndon :
11 The idea of starting an airline had come to him on the demise of Laker Airways in February 1982 .
12 Julia went to stand beside him on the minute balcony and stared down across the valley .
13 Because it would have been childish to refuse she stepped out and went to stand beside him on the snow .
14 As Mr Mansell hesitated , Emerson Fittipaldi from Brazil and Arie Luyendyk from Holland zoomed past him on the main straight .
15 They 're looking for him on the moors . ’
16 Since it was the golden-fleeced ram the king really wanted , he was not at all pleased when Marko came before him on the seventh day with a jug of sweet wine and a cluster of grapes in his handkerchief .
17 True , the word star could be loosely applied to him on the basis that he had ‘ starred ’ in more than a dozen films .
18 In one account of the visit , it is said that the Emperor was loathe to allow the doctor to leave China and did so only after Garvine appealed to him on the grounds that he wished to return to Scotland and attend to his aged and ailing father .
19 At the same time , the sound of distant gunfire , explosions and shouting came to him on the night breeze , somewhere off his right and muffled by the intervening trees .
20 Or one of us would rush into the dressing room just before curtain-up and tell Terry there was someone who urgently needed to talk to him on the phone .
21 I used to talk to Him on the wireless — still do sometimes .
22 And I have to talk to him on the phone and I 'm saying speak to him very well .
23 Kate stirred beside him on the sofa , and Peter smelled her perfume .
24 Coy then took the DDI through the report Adam had made to him on the phone .
25 Governments would not be swayed , nor would ministers tremble , on receipt of elegantly crafted and crisply sarcastic Notes written by him on the antique encryption machine which could be seen in a corner of the office , slowly rusting away in the hot , salt air .
26 Holly saw his face as he passed behind him on the perimeter path , a face that was scraped with despair .
27 But he was confronted by an ecstatic welcome from his mother , who was waiting for him on the doorstep .
28 So the next morning she went to Rouen station , and when her son , still wearing a fresh crust of pride and sex , got off the train , she was waiting for him on the platform .
29 Everything had been going so well this time ; leaving Glasgow on Saturday anticipation had been high , Amanda had even been waiting for him on the pavement outside her flat .
30 Beryl Garland was waiting for him on the landing , a lean , bony woman with uncared-for greying hair , a pallid complexion blotched with an unnatural pink , and restless suspicious eyes .
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