Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him in some " in BNC.

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1 Also the dyslexic child is not necessarily unintelligent because he ca n't write something which you 've just written on the blackboard or which has only just been shown to him in some other way ; the dyslexic person ca n't look up at a blackboard , hold the visual symbols in her mind and get them down on paper in a different position .
2 The missing leg dropped down and kicked , and the officer threw the con man away , chattering at him in some dialect .
3 ROS and GUIL , holding the belts taut , stare at him in some bewilderment .
4 Until the age of seven , Nicholas had received a treat every year on the Feast Day of his patron ; and from the age of ten he grew to know that the day would generally be marked for him in some way or another — in many different ways , although not every year — until , of course , his wife Marian died .
5 I mean , if he did go off into the wilds of Anatolia , or somewhere remote like that — something might happen to him in some village , where he is n't known . ’
6 The last thing she wanted , she said , was to live with him in some godforsaken bog , cut off from relatives and shops .
7 She stared at him in some amazement , and looking rather confused , João backed out and left her with her Imitation .
8 Startled by his sharp tone , Fabia stared at him in some surprise .
9 And while she stared at him in some astonishment , ‘ I would never harm you , ’ he added .
10 Passers-by looked at him in some curiosity , seeing the tears course down his cheeks ; and still he walked on and on .
11 Sylvie looked at him in some perplexity .
12 ( I think of him in some tropical Valhalla , rejoined with Arsenio .
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