Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In standing out for true sportsmanship on the field Mr Chapman , loyally backed by his players , set a standard which has raised the sport he loved to the highest level , and has won for him the gratitude of sportsmen the world over . ’
2 So as naturally as anything , Judith switched to Spanish and greatly impressed the customer as well as pressing upon him the need to provide proper facilities for his ladies .
3 As they approach the valley overlooked by the Mountain of God , he asks her to accept from him the gift of a necklace .
4 While Biedermann and Baur were in accord with Hegel 's aim to combine Christianity and speculative philosophy , others drew from him the material for frontal attacks on Christian belief , notably Strauss , Feuerbach and Marx .
5 And , says the writer , " selue may eueri man sen in himself " for he has within him the image of the Trinity : a creative power which enables him to know , and to love what he knows .
6 Its bare outlines were that in a Luton car park a gang of four men had shot dead a sub-postmaster while trying to obtain from him the post office keys .
7 Jones had then worked closely with the docks employer , Lord Aldington , in getting a new wages agreement for the docks including a settlement for the problem of casual labour which drew on him the fire of many militant shop stewards amongst the stevedores .
8 It would be helpful to David Wilson to know if either of the organisations named above or any other similar organisation has been in touch with you or any of your staff and also to indicate to him the nature of this contact and details of what was being offered .
9 Make him fit the bill ; imagine for him the attributes that you require .
10 Cos you remember last week we accounted for er He was in the world , and although the world was made through him the world did not recognize him .
11 I thereupon telephoned Haines to tell him of my success and to urge upon him the necessity for extreme discretion , since what I had done was something of an embarrassment and I did not particularly wish to have my role publicised .
12 Such is the notion uncritically entertained in the Alliance Report : competing candidates of the same party would make clear their differences on policy issues , and on the balanced slate so presented to him the voter would pick and choose .
13 According to him the universe sprang from fire and will end in fire .
14 Six months ago , we put to him the problem of single-union agreements and he dismissed it .
15 We are told that the hermit was once sitting alone in his cell after dinner when there came to him the lady of the house … and many persons with her , and found him writing rapidly .
16 When Robert II of Flanders passed Christmas at St Omer , ‘ there came to him the dukes , the counts , the lords of many regions , nobles and knights from the whole of Flanders , and many French bishops ’ .
17 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
18 He shall be great , and shall be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David .
19 Hippolytus composed a strange book entitled the Refutation arguing the dependence of a row of Gnostic sects upon a row of pagan philosophers , and finally turning his weapons on Callistus , who seemed to him the abomination of desolation sitting where he ought not .
20 Adrift and in debt , Rolfe was taken in by the Duchess of Sforza-Cesarini , who conferred on him the title of Baron Corvo before he returned to England later in the year .
21 She was looking at him the way his other nanny looked at her budgie .
22 Example 3:1 Limitation on liability of original tenant ( 1 ) in this clause " the original tenant " means the said … only and this clause applies to any period after the term hereby granted ceases to be vested in the original tenant ( 2 ) if and so often as the tenant fails to pay the rent or any other sum properly due under this lease or commits any breach of covenant known to the landlord then the landlord shall forthwith notify the original tenant of that fact ( 3 ) the landlord shall not be entitled to recover from the original tenant any arrears of rent or other sums payable under this lease where the rent or other sums claimed became due earlier than three months before the original tenant was notified under sub-clause ( 2 ) above ( 4 ) the original tenant shall not be liable for any arrears of rent or other sum falling due after the date upon which this lease is expressed to expire or any breach of covenant committed after that date Example 3:2 Limitation on liability of tenant ( 1 ) In this clause ( a ) " the original tenant " means only ( b ) " the original assignee " means a person to whom the original tenant lawfully assigns this lease ( 2 ) upon a lawful assignment of this lease by the original tenant the original tenant ( a ) shall be released from further personal liability for any breach of any of the tenant 's obligations under this lease occurring after the date of the assignment but ( b ) shall guarantee performance by the original assignee of those obligations until the expiry or other determination of the term or ( if sooner ) a lawful assignment of this lease by the original assignee Example 3:3 Restriction on landlord 's ability to sue original tenant at any time after the lawful assignment of this lease by [ name of original tenant ] the landlord shall not be entitled to enforce against him the tenant 's obligations under this lease unless the landlord shall have first ( 1 ) recovered judgment against all other persons against whom the landlord is or has become entitled to enforce those obligations either as principal or surety and ( 2 ) attempted to levy excution upon such judgment and upon payment by [ name of original tenant ] of any sum due under such judgment the landlord shall assign to him the benefit of it Example 3:4 Definition clause making tenant liable for rent during holding over period " the term " includes not only the term expressed to be granted by this lease but also any period after the date on which the term is expressed to expire during which the tenancy continues under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Example 3:5 Clause making the tenant liable to pay rent and interim rent promptly to pay the rent reserved by this lease without any deduction or set-off and any rent substituted for it either as a result of a rent review under this lease or the agreement or determination of a rent payable by virtue of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s24A
23 Working directly from nature , he was admired by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood ( attending their ‘ house-warming ’ at Newman Street on 12 January 1850 ) ; he was a great friend of Ford Madox Brown [ q.v. ] , mentioned frequently in Brown 's diaries ; and D. G. Rossetti [ q.v. ] was instrumental in securing for him the patronage of the important Newcastle collector James Leathart in the 1860s .
24 But I do remember that when we were growing up , Mother never talked about him the way she does now . ’
25 The next day Neville Chamberlain called and rehearsed with him the defence which Hoare proposed to make to the House of Commons on Thursday , the 19th .
26 She hoped it hid from him the blush that fired her cheeks .
27 I thereupon obtained from him the name of the solicitor instructed by Randolph , telephoned him and said that my own firm would accept service of the writ .
28 Boutros Ghali , last Monday , I took the opportunity to suggest to him the need for more action in Somalia .
29 He could also make an error of judgement in his choice of sailors , at least one of whom turned on him the moment they were inside the door and threatened to beat him up if he did not hand over money .
30 John Lehmann had such confidence in Minton 's design sense that when he handed to him the typescript of Elizabeth David 's A Book of Mediterranean Food he gave him carte blanche to do as he liked with it .
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