Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] them [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 They wanted the House of Commons to represent the opinion of the middle orders of Britain for ( as one reforming MP put in 1830 ) " there has arisen in the minds of the wealthy and enlightened middle classes of the country a conviction that there did not exist between them and the legislature a sufficient link " .
2 Though this may sound childish — and I was in fact childish in many ways , as young women are who have never had to shift for themselves but have always had someone to stand between them and the world — it did , in fact , help me to behave better to Nonni , who was not stupid at all in matters of feeling , and easy to hurt .
3 ( 1986 ) and Morgan Klein ( 1985 ) describe convincingly the conflict which young people in residential care experience between longing for their parents to provide for them and the growing realisation that this may only ever be partial .
4 Satan had swerved sharply to pass between them and the fence .
5 Its vision for society is that of a reconstituted pre-industrial kind of community in which everyone knows who they are , what is expected of them and the kind of values by which they are to live .
6 If the sectional open type of plate is used , then the fry can be trapped beneath them if the gaps where the water flow goes through are too large — the strength of the turnover rate can add to this problem .
7 I was with the South African team throughout their travels in Australia and New Zealand and found them an exceptionally nice group ; agonized with them on the eve of the referendum on reforms back in South Africa when there were last-minute scare reports of a major swing to the right wing ; rejoiced with them when the vote when 68% for sanity , a far greater margin than any of us had dared hope for ; and generally enjoyed with them their victories and their considerable achievement in reaching the semi-final stage .
8 I should like to examine one or two points , and invite the Minister to comment upon them before the Bill receives a Second Reading .
9 I remember I had to do one once , ear , nose and throat and everything and you 're explaining to them where the the erm adenoid and tonsil and tissue was and oh my god talk about
10 Cold winds knifed at them but the baby was snug in its portable bed , the blue and pink rabbits bobbling between its face and the real world .
11 HRH The Princess Royal has accepted the invitation of the Western Section to attend a seminar ‘ Transport for Sustainable and Green Tourism ’ organised by them and the Tourism Society .
12 And when the rangers are out on the patrol they are constantly looking around to see what has been happening around them as the seasons change and what work needs to be done .
13 and like there 's a puddle of spit and you just sort of push past them and the bloke goes do n't care and I hate businessmen
14 It was very hard for the Brownies to stay still and quiet on the ground , just gazing up into space , especially when every now and again the circling plane came between them and the sun and cast a strange , dark shadow over them .
15 Perhaps some hon. Members will be quite content to say to their constituents that they understand their problems and sympathise , but that there is nothing that they can do about them as the matter is out of their hands .
16 Where there is a pavement or foot path used , do not walk next to the curb with your back from the traffic , look both ways before you step into the road where there is no foot path , walk on the right hand side of the road , it is safer to walk on the side facing on coming traffic , keep as close as possible to the side of the road , take care at right hand bends , keep one behind if that is possible , particularly line heavy traffic on flurry , do not allow children under age five at least out alone on the road , go with them , walk between them and the traffic and always keep tight hold of their hands , if you ca n't do this then use reigns as security , secure them firmly into the pushchair , do not let them run into the road , always wear or carry something bright or light or reflected within the dark of light , this is especially important , that all uses it it 's just the rules I suppose
17 She searched for words , and was still searching for them as the front door opened and Herr Nordern came in .
18 Through the help of this " friend " the sufferers dealt with the unpleasant feelings associated with the disappointments , disasters and challenges of life and now this " friend " has turned against them and the feelings have to be processed .
19 The President accepted the law , but under protest , delighted that the Assembly had thereby provided him with a weapon which could be turned against them when the need arose .
20 I did , however , find fascinating the figures produced by Lloyd 's showing that many of those syndicates that have performed badly had hardly any Lloyd 's insiders connected with them while the ones that performed best were stuffed full of professional working Names .
21 One reason may be they way the information is presented to them and the way the offer is made .
22 It does n't matter to them that the so-called ‘ Stars ’ setting out next week on a gruelling four-month tour are no such thing .
23 Will he warn the British people of the damage that could be done to them and the danger to their way of life and democracy ?
24 It seems that the guardian ad litem expressed some reservations about that decision to move the children in advance of the hearing , but by a letter of 24 January the father 's solicitors said that it seemed to them that the view of the guardian ad litem was ‘ quite wrong as a matter of law . ’
25 Something was being born inside them , as if the past and future were coupling to breed a new kind of man , and it seemed to them that the wind was whispering a phrase they had often heard from Bakayoko : ‘ The kind of man we were is dead , and our only hope for a new life lies in the machine , which knows neither language nor a race . ’ …
26 Their trials , the sentences imposed on them and the police methods that had been used , caused a public outcry and put the government under great pressure .
27 Work on the muscles just above the shoulder blades and those lying between them and the spine ( see Fig. 5 ) .
28 A daughter knows the dark , night side of her mother , because of the special link that is forged between them and the way that the mother 's nature may be reflected in the daughter 's .
29 That , my Lord , the matter moves on to the fifteenth of October on which day er the plaintiff together with Mr attended Richmond Magistrates Court and obtained a protection order from the justices in relation to the premises and then on the sixteenth of October erm this was the day when things started to go very badly wrong for the plaintiff because Mr by now had returned from his holiday and come back cautiously , he apparently attended after his holiday and on this day Mr was told that , by Mrs that it was not possible to proceed with the financial er dealings that had been agreed between them unless the Frinton property was offered as security .
30 However , in a group of 20 or 30 youngsters from the least successful socio-economic background , who have the least going for them and the smallest incomes , the chances are that there will be a greater number of smokers .
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