Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] us the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He provided for us the necessities of life — food , shelter , clothing .
2 He is indeed given us to actualise in us the character of Christ : but that process will not be complete until we see him as he is , either at death or the Parousia .
3 In the final volume , Proust speaks of involuntary memory as being used in art , being used in such a way that , and I quote , ‘ this moment , freed from the bondage of time , recreates within us the sensation of a self freed from the bondage of time . ’
4 1 You have prepared for us the script for ten episodes of a video entitled — .
5 Thus , the Report refers to " English in the highest sense " as " the channel for formative culture for all English people , and the medium of the creative art by which all English writers of distinction , whether poets , historians , Philosopher , or men of science , have secured for us the power of realising some part of their own experience of life " .
6 These examples are more comprehensive too , because they put before us the ways people communicate visually as well as verbally .
7 I do not propose that we enter new markets at this stage , but rather that we seek strategic alliances with practices that offer professional services that we do not , and can bring to us the benefits of their expertise and client base on a reciprocal basis .
8 This is at best a corrective belief , for whatever else Ulysses or The Waste Land are doing , they are also invoking for us the Dublin of 1904 or the London of 1921 .
9 This point Marx made much more explicitly in Capital , Book ‘ [ 378–9 ] : ‘ The simplicity of the productive organism in these self-sufficient communities — which continually reproduce their kind , and , if destroyed by chance , reconstruct themselves in the same locality and under the same name — this simplicity unlocks for us the mystery of the unchangeableness of Asiatic society , which contrasts so strongly with the perpetual dissolutions and reconstructions of Asiatic states . ’
10 You must not think him ridden with angst just because , for once , he 's agreed to discuss with us the things he normally ignores .
11 I myself had never witnessed a stoning , but Omar had done so on three occasions and had taken great delight in describing to us the fate that awaited weak women who did not carefully guard their honour which was so prized by their men .
12 In his attempts to understand the paths taken by projectiles and falling bodies , he had ‘ opened to us the gate of natural philosophy universal , which is the knowledge of the nature of motion ’ .
13 Every step forward requires of us the abandonment of the past .
14 In other words , it is the Spirit of Jesus who reproduces in us the crucifixion and the resurrection of our Lord .
15 But these are some of the things , faith opens to us the door to every blessing that is ours in Christ .
16 Traditionally at least , horns convey to us the notion of the cuckold — the unfortunate , unmanly husband whose wife 's unsated sexual passion finds its outlets elsewhere .
17 We must be cautious , though , in making the assumption that such words as ‘ king ’ , ‘ prophet ’ or ‘ Messiah ’ still convey to us the meaning which they had at the time and in the world of Jesus .
18 The Bible encourages in us the desire for God as the source of human happiness .
19 Similarly , via the intermediary of reflected light rays , interaction between the corpuscles of gold and those of our eyes produces in us the idea of yellowness .
20 He that will consider that the same fire that at one distance produces in us the sensation of warmth , does at a nearer approach produce in us the far different sensation of pain , ought to bethink himself what reason he has to say , that his idea of warmth which was produced in him by the fire , is actually in the fire , and his idea of pain which the same fire produced in him the same way is not in the fire .
21 We may secretly take pride in our traditions and truth , but we are deficient as long as others are left outside in the cold and unable to share with us the sacrament of the Lord .
22 And I think the way forward is perhaps to have a meeting with R and D and for them to come to us and discuss with us the aspects of work that we will not be in a position to do come the revolution .
23 But this should not obscure from us the fact that Judaism resisted stoutly the prudery that stultified sexuality throughout the West , and always retained a high and honoured place for bodily functioning and its pleasures — as becomes indeed , a gift from God : ‘ Man and woman are one body and one soul , ( oneness reasserted , as ever ) , and it is this powerful union which it projects and enhances .
24 Last year 's assembly remitted to us the task of working out the consequences for the service known as confirmation if children are admitted to the sacrament of the lord 's supper .
25 He accepts it only because of what he calls ‘ an insuperable logical difficulty ’ : position is not a quality , so a sensation can convey to us the position of a stimulus only by virtue of our ability to interpret something about it as meaning a certain position .
26 It imposes on us the belief that it is wrong to steal or to commit murder — and that has to be a good thing .
27 In 1629 the Tsar Mikhail severely reproved Louis XIII himself for failing to use his full title in official letters and warned him that " We can not approve your habit of wishing to be our friend and yet denying and taking from us the titles and qualities which almighty God has given us and which we so justly possess . "
28 1 You are preparing for us the scripts for the following items :
29 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
30 You see , Christmas is linked with the season of Advent — the season of hope which sets before us the hope of his coming to restore all things and bring all things to a glorious conclusion .
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