Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] us by the " in BNC.

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1 In the event , it proved to be even tougher , dominated for us by the worsening situation in California .
2 As a consequence we are still constrained to conform to standards of behaviour expected of us by the group .
3 But you know , for every one of us as Christians , Jesus Christ lives in us by the Holy Spirit , by his spirit .
4 Theology must take as its starting-point the actuality of God 's self-revelation in Jesus Christ , disclosed to us by the Holy Spirit , and set its sights and adjust its compass by that .
5 The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles , conundrums and endless interpretations .
6 There can be no doubt that for many women fear of loss is built into us by the way we 've been reared .
7 ‘ Staff numbers had doubled over the previous five to six years and a programme of change had been thrust upon us by the market , ’ explained .
8 To miss out on the opportunity afforded to us by the Chancellor of the Exchequer is to deny those in the greatest housing need the opportunity to get decent low cost housing .
9 Can we please have our walking space back and not be restricted to ‘ pavement space ’ imposed on us by the stalls ?
10 No demand , however , was made on us by the gate-keeper , the authorities being so liberal as not to charge persons for walking either on the roads or footpaths .
11 What they witnessed , and what was recreated for us by the Ulster Youth Dance Company in Stranmillis College Theatre at the weekend was a spectacle far more disturbing and revolutionary .
12 Let us give thanks for the example of love and compassion shown to us by the life of Jesus Christ .
13 Life in Russia is hard ( and since we deliberately chose to stay in a cheap non-western hotel we experienced some of the hardships first hand ) but I shall never forget the generosity and overwhelming hospitality shown to us by the people of Bastaisk church .
14 MY WIFE and I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the heart-warming friendliness shown to us by the Liverpool citizens we met at the celebrations .
15 Those who think that ideas consist of images which are formed in us by the concourse of bodies … regard ideas as lifeless pictures on a board , and preoccupied thus with this misconception they do not see that an idea , insofar as it is an idea , involves affirmation or negation .
16 On the other hand we can not forget the trust placed in us by the general public , nor can we watch the gradual erosion of the original plans without a public protest , and a public request to the health authority to please think again .
17 It might also encourage the lordly ones who run the Trust to see that its properties only have real value and interest when set in a wider social background that the rather greenery-yallery context in which too many of them are set for us by the Trust 's publications .
18 Even our sonship , mediated to us by the Spirit , has this ambiguity about it .
19 He drinks the tea brought to us by the koko gravely , and makes exasperated noises .
20 Rule A five was brought to us by the amalgamation of the boilermakers , who themselves have tried to get rid of this bloody rule .
21 I dictate and Cats scribbles away and bashes out the replies on the word processor kindly loaned to us by the theatre .
22 There are skylarks and foxes and an owl sits in the apple tree staring at us by the fire in winter .
23 That evening Sid and I dined off piping hot oxtail soup , steak and kidney pie , followed by a very rich plum duff , all washed down with a bottle of French cider , given to us by the old Frenchman who lived in the cottage near the entrance to the orchard .
24 Our full terms of reference and supplementary guidance given to us by the Secretary of State for Education and Science are contained in appendices 2 and 3 .
25 Educational integration therefore becomes a wider concept than social integration since it involves , among other things , how we use the knowledge given to us by the act of socialisation .
26 Policemen immediately that that is given to us by the Home Office .
27 The day before the Sale it was calculated that we had 640 of our ‘ regulation ’ boxes ( given to us by the china shops ) filled with about 26,000 books – all sorted and priced by then .
28 to the tune of four and a half billion , then look towards the legislation that 's been inflicted upon us by the Conservative government .
29 Now this question will be answered in the wrong way if we forget the qualifications , forced upon us by the adoption of Wittgenstein 's notion of language-games , which permeate the implications of such talk about dumb animals .
30 But you would n't have done it quite you would have thought about whether you did it , whereas the moment you 've been forced to do it because of the cuts that have been forced upon us by the Poll Tax capping .
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