Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 It is dealt with in detail here because visitors in search of out of the way spots are almost certain to pass through it on their way to Appenzell , or even to break their journey here .
2 They found a wooden bench seat in a corner and squeezed into it with their drinks — Edward had a pint of bitter and Sally a Babycham in a pretty glass decorated with a dancing fawn in a blue neck-bow .
3 To get there they had to cross the mud , and sank in it to their ankles , but below the soft surface the foreshore was hard here , and although it was a filthy journey it was n't particularly difficult .
4 Three black youths with huge , multicoloured knitted caps pulled over their dreadlocks like tea-cosies lean against the plateglass window of the shopping-precinct cafe , drumming a reggae beat on it with their finger-tips until shooed away by the manageress .
5 Both the New Criticism and Scrutiny were products of the modernist literary revolution , and drew on it for their methods and their assumptions .
6 When Pennant visited it in 1772 there were three farmers living in it with their stock and crops and at times in the summer months as many as twelve families were known to stay in it at once and it was the headquarters of those employed in the manufacture ( if kelp .
7 The Ezbekiya did indeed have its moments , in the very early morning when there were few people about and the big falcons sailed over it with their unexpectedly musical cries and the Egyptian doves cooed softly in the palm trees , but on the whole what Owen liked was the Ezbekiya 's outside .
8 Tourism does bring economic benefits to rural areas , but it is usually considered to be a mixed blessing , even by those who depend on it for their living .
9 He says in Mexico for instance there are communities who depend on it for their livelihood and who benefit from the sale of the wood .
10 The motor industry is a key measure of our economic performance , and hundreds of thousands depend on it for their livliehoods .
11 An international organisation , for example the United Nations , is a third party to its constitutive treaty , and its officials are third party beneficiaries of the privileges and immunities49 accepted by it on their behalf .
12 They kept their secret identities and paid for it through their Swiss bank accounts .
13 This book has been written with the objective both of making knowledge gained by research more easily accessible , and of demonstrating how in the course of providing services practitioners can use the knowledge and add to it by their own skill and commitment .
14 Nothing is more characteristic of churches than their attitude to assurance and the place they give to it in their preaching and systems of doctrine .
15 Look at it from their point of view .
16 ‘ But look at it from their point of view .
17 Look at it from their point of view .
18 So it looks as if you , people 's emotions have been tuned in such a way , that mothers look on these situations from their point of view and feel happy about it , and offspring like you look at it from their point of view and feel unhappy about it , and your emotions are the way the evolution has equipped you to deal with these problems .
19 It was hard , perilous work which , by rockfall or dust , killed most of the men employed in it before their retirement age , and it left Evan with the gasping lungs of the silicosis-sufferer .
20 WALL AFTER WALL of raging water rose up and thundered on to the strange craft intent on destroying it and the frail humans clinging to it for their lives .
21 while the material mode of existence is the primum agens this does not preclude the ideological spheres from reacting upon it in their turn .
22 Making a hole in the top of a roll they poured in whiskey until it was well soaked , then threw it to the screaming gulls , who swooped upon it in their dozens .
23 Patronage by the Church has been part of the musical world for centuries , and in the past many of the greatest composers have depended upon it for their livelihood .
24 In the second year , most students in the department have the opportunity to learn Portuguese , if they wish , and continue with it to their final year .
25 A Brooklands Museum friend recalled that while staging through Toulon in 1947 , with eating irons and mess tins packed in their kit , they were served scrambled egg with a sausage stuck in it in their cupped hands !
26 However , most of his tours are accompanied by freelance lecturers , though never those who rely on it for their livelihood , who , he thinks , get stale .
27 On the one hand , while two-thirds of the females were introduced to heroin by their male partner , that is , husband or boyfriend , none of the males were introduced to it by their female partner .
28 The family worried about it in their different ways .
29 Fears of a ‘ credit crunch ’ have prompted policy changes at the Federal Reserve in recent months : the Fed has cut its benchmark interest rate four times and , a bolder move , has reduced the amount of reserves that banks are obliged to hold with it against their customers ' deposits .
30 And it was early enough for Britain 's arms makers to refer to it in their autumn armaments promotions .
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