Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the time the " in BNC.

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1 the number of virtual memory segments addressed during the time the processor is available to it
2 This method therefore had to be cancelled as the time the carrier could remain at Greenock was severely limited .
3 The difference lies in the time the animal spends resting between meals ( Bayne and Scullard , 1978 ) .
4 Journalists who telephoned the divisional police were told bluntly that the men had not even been interviewed at the time the army spokesman had made his statement .
5 ‘ If they do not fall by the time the Commons returns on January 11 , I will put forward legislation to free up this market .
6 All talk of a referendum had been dropped by the time the Supreme Soviet came to vote on the programme .
7 The italics are ours , and mark the parts which had been deleted by the time the twelfth edition was reached in 1954 ; the word trained was replaced by rightly guided .
8 What to do if the results have n't materialised by the time the conference takes place presents another ethical problem .
9 Like you say by the time the sun comes round ?
10 There are some limitations with this approach , which may be resolved by the time the final product hits the streets .
11 However , taken overall the exercise had focussed attention on the problems associated with the filing systems of the two departments , and many of them had been alleviated by the time the study was completed , albeit using manual methods rather than technical solutions .
12 If goods have not been delivered within 30 days following expiry of an agreed time limit or if there is not an agreed time limit within 60 says from the time the carrier took over the goods , this shall be taken as evidence of the loss of the goods .
13 Dolphin kills were suspected from the time the practice of fishing on dolphins began in 1959 , but a secretive tuna industry for many years resisted all attempts to have observers placed on their boats , no doubt fearful of the outrage that would result if the truth were made public .
14 There are other texts which answer different needs , both our own and those living at the time the texts were produced .
15 I ask whether the legacy is only of what was owed at the time the will was made or if later increases in that sum by way of interest are also included .
16 That will be revealed by the time the report is published by the NRA .
17 Although ideally basic competence in moving about independently should be developing by the time the pupil first comes to school , there is likely to be among visually handicapped children a range of levels of skill in independent mobility and in competence in using the environment fully and safely .
18 Mr David Anderson , support services manager , said agreed staffing levels would be met by the time the unit opened in August or September .
19 This is more likely to occur the further away the spot price is at the time of delivery from the price that was agreed at the time the contract was negotiated ( i.e. the forward price ) .
20 The hammered coin finds do not indicate the same form of activity that would have occurred at the time the weights would have been lost so two different forms of activity must have taken place .
21 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
22 There is no appropriation at the moment when he takes possession of the goods because he was entitled to do so under the terms of the contract of sale , a contract which is , it is true , voidable , but has not been avoided at the time the goods are handed over .
23 Those soldiers not incorporated into the FAA were meant to be disarmed and demobilized by the time the new army was established .
24 Charles offered himself as a donor and sat with his arm ready bared to give blood , but the unfortunate patient had died by the time the messenger returned .
25 Spread of the disease can already have occurred by the time the characteristic abscesses develop .
26 However , the new versions do not support the de facto OSF/Motif graphical user interface standard — though the Sun version does support OpenLook — and Motif support may not even feature by the time the RS/6000 version is delivered , though ICL says it is working on it .
27 And the , the price was thirty nine pounds and as far as I know at the time the , the pianos went down that terrace I do n't think anybody could play it properly .
28 I can see nothing in section 61 to suggest that these trust provisions apply only if the trust existed at the time the deposit was made .
29 A statute passed to remedy what is perceived by Parliament to be a defect in the existing law may in actual operation turn out to have injurious consequences that Parliament did not anticipate at the time the statute was passed ; if it had , it would have made some provision in the Act in order to prevent them .
30 Despite frantic last-minute appeals , only £1,634,000 had been raised by the time the offer stopped — still well short of the new lower target of £2 million .
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