Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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31 He confesses his initial involvement to Sutherland , but will not say what happened after the petrol station unless Keifer agrees to go through the same process , starting with the taking of a sleeping draught .
32 He confesses his initial involvement to Sutherland , but will not say what happened after the petrol station unless Keifer agrees to go through the same process , starting with the taking of a sleeping draught .
33 The drawback is the cost of insisting that everyone goes for the same type of equipment .
34 Falconi , swept over the island , while the Bf109Es of 7/JG 26 also made for the same location .
35 In syllable timing each syllable is given about the same amount of time and therefore seems to be more distinctly pronounced than in a stress timed language .
36 T.annectens is generally regarded as the same species , although separation has been suggested .
37 Any nominated initials/sex identity codes which occurred more than once were treated as the same person .
38 In addition , while many , if not all , children are likely to take GCSE examinations in the most popular subjects of Maths and English , the examination is primarily designed for the same population as covered by O-level and CSE , namely the top 60 per cent or so .
39 The second common mistake ( not made in this case ) is to impose a sentence for an either way offence for which the offender has been committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.S6 a sentence in excess of six months ' imprisonment , which is possible if the offender is committed for the same offence under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 .
40 Since so much capital has external sources , the bourgeoisie have not come through the same phase of saving and investment , as did their European counterparts , but have moved straight to a consumption stage .
41 It was strange now , walking through the same streets , to know that by then it had already happened .
42 There is a new Nelson First Certificate Course to accompany the three other course titles Nelson already has for the same exam .
43 Has anyone got any I mean I you do n't all need to write about the same thing or anything .
44 THE Danes voted for the same treaty yesterday that they rejected last June because they were misled by the media and politicians , claimed an East Anglian Tory Euro-rebel .
45 It is challenging for the same leadership in applications software .
46 Venus is much smaller , but nevertheless still has about the same mass as the Earth .
47 Despite Sealink 's best efforts , I ca n't wait to escape our tiny cabin for the Bentley , whose interior I reckon has about the same amount of room but is more expensively trimmed .
48 However , Hall ( 1982a ; 1982b ) hoped that higher-skilled and better-paid jobs would eventually Appear through the same processes that had driven countries such as Hong Kong , South Korea and Singapore from low-grade , low-paid economies into higher , if not always ‘ higher-tech ’ production .
49 Even if the vendor is selling the whole of his trade , it seems from Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 8/81 that he can invest the proceeds of sale in acquiring new qualifying assets , as part of a new trade , and this will count as the same trade for roll-over relief purposes , so that his gain on the sale of the assets of the old trade is deferred .
50 As a result , the council having declined to give an undertaking , the interlocutory injunction was discharged ; and your Lordships were informed that the interlocutory injunctions granted in about 100 other cases were likewise discharged for the same reason .
51 The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease .
52 Newley and I have been bidding for the same things for years . ’
53 This is particularly important if there are others bidding for the same house .
54 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
55 Slater , of Redcar Road , Middlesbrough , admitted reckless driving , assault and criminal damage in April and was jailed for four months and banned from driving for the same period .
56 We should strive for the same sense of adventure .
57 In addition , it is obvious that it can not be relied on until there has been a substantial amount of trading between the same parties .
58 Overall the event was a major success and has already been provisionally booked for the same venue year .
59 Fourteen weeks ' full maternity pay for everyone and an end to the confusing restrictions on how long you have to work for the same company to qualify for your job back are just two of the expected improvements .
60 He happened to work for the same paper which stitched Botham up some eight years ago .
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