Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Dorrell , visiting Darlington Memorial Hospital , claimed during the 1980s the number of patients treated in the town rose by an average of 5pc a year .
2 As Iraq moved through the 1970s the Baath regime became well settled in power , with the gradual emergence in key positions of a number of individuals from the town of Tikrit on the Tigris , north of Baghdad .
3 The specific issue which had brought down Syse 's coalition was the insistence by the Centre Party ( SP ) , representing in the main the heavily protected and subsidized agricultural sector and with a long-standing tradition of opposition to the European Communities ( EC ) , that Norway retain its so-called concessionary laws which impeded foreign ownership of property , financial institutions and industrial enterprises .
4 In the case of the structural changes occurring in the 1970s/1980s the UK 's crossroads was not characterized only by computerization , information technology and the new machinery and new products that have arisen .
5 Indeed , he often felt it expedient to hide from the British the degree to which he was willing to co- operate and listen to their views .
6 To enter such houses , to know at first hand such interiors , was to give a face to the masses , mitigating on the one hand the terror of revolution , satisfying on the other the promptings of Christian conscience .
7 This means that one brings to bear on the other the full range of mental associations that the culture attaches to it ; it is important to note that the objective meaning of words includes , for the New Critics , not only their dictionary definition ( sometimes called their ‘ denotation ’ ) , but also their associations ( or ‘ connotations ’ ) .
8 If the line is sloping to the left the job is in advance of the schedule and if to the right it is slipping behind schedule .
9 If the line is sloping to the left the job is in advance of the schedule and if to the right it is slipping behind schedule .
10 9.2 The Premises shall be demised subject to the matters set out or referred to in clause … of the draft lease annexed and the Tenant or the Tenant 's solicitors having been supplied with such information as the Landlord has concerning the same the Tenant has entered into this agreement with notice of and shall raise no objection requisition or inquiry in respect of such matters
11 Patrick Taylor has visited the 400 places he describes in the pocket-sized The Gardener 's Guide to Britain ( Pavilion , £9.99 ) .
12 Built in the 1950s the Netheridge works provides basic treatment to sewage from homes and industry from a large part of Gloucester .
13 When Berkeley was being built in the 1950s the world watched enviously on as Britain looked forward to an era of incredibly cheap electricity .
14 Now what if I support in the main the aims of the Act , there are one or two areas I think that some things are not a good idea .
15 This delightful musical adaptation of ‘ James and the Giant Peach ’ will have feet tapping from the second the curtain rises .
16 Seen from the outside the nature , and above all , the neck-breaking speed of achievements over the past two months may seem remarkable .
17 Both exploited to the utmost the greatest telescopic resources of their times , and for both many of their discoveries resulted from massive programmes of systematic investigations .
18 Frida Kahlo utilises to the full the fantasy potential of dress , which can improve on the body .
19 reveal to the illiterate the goodness
20 The railway stations of Asia , Australasia , and Africa reveal to the full the range of styles , many of them of great elegance , which could be encompassed in station architecture world-wide .
21 Flaunting to the last the colours of his mistress Diane de Poitiers , while self-avowedly riding in honour of his queen Catherine de Medici , he was pierced in the eye and throat when the lance of his opponent , Jacques count of Montgomery , splintered on impact with his helm ; and on 10 July , in great pain , he died .
22 I 'm looking at the all the tools , I thought ooh that sander 's quite nice !
23 So sorry I 'm looking at the wrong the wr that is the southern bypass .
24 I think we should have said at the first the very first lesson , they just ploughed straight into did n't they ?
25 I thought you were going through the fucking the bollard !
26 To begin with , her musical language is loosely , sometime unabashedly , tonal , and shows evidence of her varied background : Spain , Russia and France all peep through the passage-work. the last two Sonatas inhabit a sterner , more chromatic world , but the vigour of the counterpoint ensures that the music maintains the momentum of the previous works .
27 And they look like the fucking The Management .
28 And as well as our gratitude , please accept from the Burgermeister the humble admiration of … ’
29 He was selling to the military the concessions of accepting Midgetman ( perhaps a two-warhead version ) and limiting MXs to 50 .
30 The big city stations of the nineteenth century reflected to the full the Victorians ' unashamed belief in monumentality .
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