Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] they for the " in BNC.

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1 Listing particulars are required to contain all such information as investors and their professional advisers would reasonably require and reasonably expect to find in them for the purpose of making an informed assessment of the assets , liabilities , financial position , profits , losses and prospects of the issuing company and the rights attaching to its securities .
2 Once territories have been established by young fans , occupants are physically confined within them for the entire duration of the match .
3 In an extreme case , someone may act on them for the reason that , or on the principle that , ‘ a little bit of what you fancy does you good ’ .
4 Both bodies publish application forms recommended for use when applying to them for the appointment of experts or arbitrators : copies of the forms are reproduced in Appendices G and H. The Law Society has also published its requested procedure : see [ 1986 ] Law Society 's Gazette 2542 , reprinted in Appendix B. It is important that applicants follow the procedure of applying on prescribed forms .
5 The Statue of the Etook Ha'chllt he 'd bartered for in a little town called Slew , which was now , regrettably , a blasted spot , its citizens the victims of a purge visited upon them for the crime of a song , written in the dialect of their community , suggesting that the Autarch of Yzordderrex lacked testicles .
6 It was here , in the Syrian capital far to the north of Damascus , that the term ‘ Christian ’ was to be applied to them for the first time .
7 Johnson found little support among them for the reformist policies of the government of the day .
8 a capital sum may be paid directly to the settlor ; 2. a capital sum may be paid indirectly to the settlor ; 3. a capital sum may be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if a sum is paid to any third party at the settlor 's direction ; 4. a capital sum shall be deemed to be paid to the settlor if the sum is paid to any third party by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it ; and 5. a capital sum shall be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if it is otherwise paid or applied by them for the benefit of the settlor .
9 As well as coaching many of Britain 's leading international crews , Spracklen is a key member of the Oxford University team , and he will be returning from Canada in March to look after them for the last fortnight before the Boat Race .
10 We stand with them for the last gloomy minutes till the clock strikes the hour .
11 When parents relate to their children as if they were partners and look to them for the support and even sexual comfort that should come from other adults , the boundary surrounding and protecting childhood is broken .
12 They have an incurable handicap which will remain with them for the duration of their lives .
13 Any major phases or colonisation are as likely to have taken place in the seventh , eighth or ninth centuries , as Peter Sawyer has suggested , and therefore to be undocumented , as they are to have happened in the thirteenth century , when we hear of them for the first time from surviving records .
14 I recently heard of a family who invited to church some friends who were staying with them for the weekend .
15 We explained that we had to do without them for the most part — and be tankful for the older ones and the women .
16 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
17 Labour candidate Frank Cook told Mr Fowler to recognise the difficulties of thousands of pensioners and families in the constituency living below the poverty line , and to apologise to them for the agony 13 years of Tory rule has caused them .
18 Because facing such questions has brought the work on long-term memory in Aplysia into the same biochemical arena as my own in the chick , I want to postpone considering them for the present and instead look at some of the problems which , in its singlemindedly reductionist approach , Aplysian orthodoxy — at least the orthodoxy of the mid-1980s , as I suspect that the position is now becoming much more flexible — has ignored .
19 The Gnomes had rolled the designs for the new Crown Jewels into cylinders and packed them carefully into long , hollow tubes , which they had brought with them for the purpose .
20 Polisario announced that its forces had begun to relocate in the assembly areas allocated to them for the period of the ceasefire .
21 But with fighter pilots depending on them for the fuel to get home with , the tanker crews say they have a feeling their friends will look after them .
22 If in future , however , reporting of each estimate is extended to include descriptive profiles of quality of life — that is , health states and the valuations placed on them for the new and comparison treatment — then this may enhance credibility and allow reworking in alternative settings .
23 These have to be married with the individual dreams of each business who , in addition to achieving the best they can ask for their business , have to perform and deliver what the board has asked of them for the company as a whole .
24 A day 's journey with small children , or alternatively getting someone to care for them for the day , is not easy .
25 We were warmly invited to stay with them for the duration of the festival , and were conducted to the top floor for a rather formal preliminary audience with Ranteallo and his elders .
26 This is that city which readers of Crime and Punishment carry with them for the rest of their lives .
27 Participants were delighted to be able to welcome our President , Lady Braithwaite and Sir Franklin Braithwaite and also to have with them for the day Hilda Hewitt , Edith Harlow and Jean Parmiter .
28 He turned towards the two men , smiled at them for the first time .
29 Christians , they complain , should refrain from criticism , and instead join with them for the good of each other and mankind in general .
30 The more frequently graded tests are used , the better will be the understanding of those who are to rely on them for the selection of candidates .
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