Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] they [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their words fluttered between them like lubricious little doves .
2 Most of them went through the ritual of gazing about them with curious eyes in search of a familiar face among the crowds .
3 They divided between them about one-fourteenth of the land surface of the globe ( if we exclude Asiatic Russia ) .
4 But Daphne 's dear familiarity , the pleasure of her company , the comfort of knowing pretty well what she would say in response to any remark , the whole warm , easy , ancient closeness that had subsisted between them for more than half a century , won over Cecilia 's temporary , though profound , embarrassment .
5 The wind has varied for them between 20 and 40 knots and it has , in the main , blown from the west , allowing them sleigh rides down the faces of the big waves .
6 They are just as much a product of the youth system as any youngster from the FA School of excellence though — so I reckon were OK to gloat about them in future years : - ) )
7 What I was able to do in that instance was play all the symphonies through with the orchestra and then forget about them for three months .
8 Apartments had been booked for them in one block and they shared in couples .
9 I did actually get over to work for them in 1968–70 and 1971 , but this story I am referring to was in 1967 when I was just paying a visit and was given a bed for the night in the hostel .
10 I shouted after them in hoarse astonishment .
11 And neither of the other ships changed position as we fled past them towards deep space .
12 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
13 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
14 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
15 The lids were wrinkled above them like old venetian blinds .
16 I 'm sure there are people who do n't sort of bother with them at all , you know just saw er a man he dropped he 's erm , he dropped his till receipt and he looked as if he had a tremendous amount you know in his basket so I reckon it would of been over , but there was no erm cos you get it stamped yes so we have er , yes I 'd forgotten about those little erm chickens of course , so we can have that roast
17 ‘ I 'm thrilled that the board have shown faith in me by giving me the chance to work with them for another 12 months .
18 Up to 5,000 ethnic Turks and members of the Pomak community ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) had held a vigil outside the National Assembly building on Dec. 28-29 , but had dispersed after the contents of the resolution had been disclosed to them by National Assembly Speaker Stanko Todorov .
19 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
20 Almost all of them had crude magic swords , whose unsuppressed harmonics on the astral plane played hell with any delicate experiments in applied sorcery for miles around , but Rincewind did n't object to them on that score .
21 The patient may find these activities both boring and frustrating , especially if you are constantly trying to make him concentrate on them as educational tasks .
22 We always referred to them as those ladies of the stage .
23 Mention is also made of his lease of the customs and the way ‘ he presided over them with singular liberality towards those of higher rank ’ .
24 That has brought a great deal of success , because the French Government are now taking the tough measures that we have been pressing on them for 10 years .
25 The world looks to them for decisive leadership on this issue , as on others " .
26 What we 've done , won one of the points I think that is worth er making perhaps is that on er over the last few years we 've seen a complete change in world export philosophy where not only are the Russians exporting all over the place but clearly er there are a number of western aircraft in different parts of the world and therefore what we have also done is to , in comparing er our aircraft against other western ones , we 've also looked at them as potential threats because it 's possible that er erm western aircraft in certain hands could end up being used against us so we have also compared those .
27 No well I would n't have looked at them from that , from the point of view of
28 When you have worked through the sensations , looked at them from all angles and asked yourself why they have entered your life and what is to be gained from them , it is important to be able to let them go .
29 These include the effect on exports from the UK , and regional unemployment , as well as a ‘ catch-all ’ gateway ( b ) : restrictions may be permitted which would confer on the public as purchasers , consumers or users of any goods or services , other specific and substantial benefits or advantages enjoyed or likely to be enjoyed by them as such .
30 Everybody 's completely different and there 's such a tendency not to study people really and to simply think of them as all exactly the same , ‘ You 're 75 and you 're old and you 've got to put up with that .
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