Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 After allowing for this subsidence there are no significant residual gravity changes between June 1991 and June 1992 , except at the summit crater where there was a decrease of 80μGal .
2 I cared for that child myself . ’
3 There was such regret , such a bleakness in his eyes that Lissa turned away , her soul crying out in anguish because it was plain for anyone to see how much he cared for this woman who had betrayed him .
4 and then he 's pointed as this fascist who
5 ‘ When you started prattling about that man I sometimes saw here before I ever went up to Oxford , ’ she said .
6 Hence , an illusion that the children would sooner or later return home was sustained , mitigating the need to plan for another outcome which , in any case , was considered inferior and likely to do as much harm as good .
7 Civil penalties include a triple damages award for any person whose business or property is harmed as a result of the violation .
8 ‘ We do n't want to go through that business we had with A&M .
9 So whatever 's in there ca n't get out up there it 's got to go through another pipe it 's got to go through the other pipe .
10 Well if Steve goes for this interview he 's working till , he 'll not be in till half past eight because he says all that week he can gain four hours work because erm he 's found out you do n't have to finish after two hours , you can work as much you like , finish at ten o'clock at night if you want .
11 In return for the element of subsidy in this system , the Treasury was consulted about any expenditure which was abnormal by British standards .
12 Look through the books and patterns you have , see what 's available at your local knitting centre , perhaps send for that book you never bought earlier and have a really fun time with the wealth of designs from Iris Bishop or Wendy Phillips or whoever you like best .
13 ‘ So what do you know about this man who 's trying to kill me ? ’
14 ‘ Do your parents know about this trouble you 're in ? ’
15 She were knocking for this thing you know .
16 ‘ Both the Eldar and the Slann should be grateful to know about this weapon which would one day be launched against them . ’
17 ’ Then I asked the children to write about some experience they could recall that had something physical about it .
18 One of the things I was asked to write about this week I think was a radio , to , to write about er what I felt about radios , you know , er , erm , so anything could be thrown at you , and obviously I have my areas that I particularly interested in and I think sometimes I get a bit complacement and I 'm writing about a , I find particularly interested in and a bit lazy , so its quite good to be stretched .
19 Other safe forms of investment which could then be considered for any capital your parent may have could also include the building societies , local authority bonds ( if she is prepared to leave her money untouched for a year or two ) , National Savings Certificates , Post Office Savings , the National Savings Bank and Trustee Savings Bank .
20 In order to attempt to provide for this possibility there should be a contractual provision which permits renegotiation and see R S Components Ltd v Irwin [ 1974 ] 1 All ER 41 .
21 We apologise for any misunderstanding which may have arisen from this error .
22 Talk about your feelings with them and that will help you decide if you 're going to need some professional help to come through this experience which is very common and in which you can be helped , no matter what you may feel at the time .
23 Maybe P and Q and R behave alike , but there may be times when the algorithm folds a set { P , Q , R } where , say , Q sometimes occurs in a context which never contains P or R. The algorithm looks for any context which contains some of X 's children but not the others .
24 No employer will willingly train a craftsman only to see him go down the road to work for another employer who has invested nothing in training .
25 ‘ Members of this tribe were by no means ready to work for any European who asked them to ’ , wrote Elspeth Huxley ; ‘ They were very particular and only entered the service of men whom they liked . ’
26 1.1 Duty not to compete within the duration of the employment contract This aspect of the duty of fidelity requires the employee not to work for any person who is or who might be in competition with his employer during the working day .
27 Some argue it due to the supply of applicants who wish to stand for this view there are certain practical , life-style and attitudinal constraints which seeks a full-time political career .
28 In this country a hospital accepts and cares for any person who can not be cared for in their own home , but to step into their admission halls is not always the loving experience needed .
29 Some time later while walking past this area we looked at the plastic and saw strange movements coming from it .
30 I repeat what I have said many times : I do not know of any person who pays taxes out of anything other than income .
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