Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [det] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I had already heard about this plan because the doctor had discussed it with my father ; but it was apparent that Eric himself was not at all enthusiastic about it .
2 Just as they are taught other subjects , they should increasingly be taught about such topics as mental handicap so that they do not grow up with the prejudices that their parents may possess .
3 This sample is being traced through such sources as the Registrar of Births and Deaths , and was identified again in 1981 .
4 Though debt-for-equity swaps represent one way for banks to recover part of their developing country debt exposure , they still stand to lose money and look likely to have to wait for some years before they can cash in their equity stakes .
5 We had to wait for some days until a convoy of ships was ready .
6 She had to wait for some time before the door was opened , and she hoped very much that it would be opened by Clelia , but it was not ; it was opened by a thin , brown , balding , youngish looking man .
7 Electrical stimulation could produce dramatic effects , but the proper study of electro-physiology had to wait for some time until it was possible to record small electrical potentials .
8 It was funny to hear Sir Bernard Ingham telling us on that delayed programme about the recession , which Samir Shah so bravely defended , that Mrs Thatcher was too nice to sack people ( bless you , Bernard , she got through more company than Sweeney Todd ) .
9 Like many others , it too had its great hall in which the classes did sometimes mingle for such festivities as Mr Lyle 's Christmas celebration .
10 There were six miles of gauntlet to run before reaching the open sea , and some damaged craft limped through this passage while others were still able to set off at some speed , making smoke cover with their special equipment .
11 Kerry 's hair had been recently cut but she decided to go for another snip when she arrived at the studio .
12 I believe that we have got to go for this strategy if we are continue to fight the freedoms which are the root of our yachting .
13 I hope councillor has n't been puzzling about this question because I think she should have had adequate warning erm the cycling part of working party was agreed by city board on the ninth of on the seventh of December is to come to an end and such work has er relates to cycling within a new transport working party .
14 From the mid-1970s the Committee and its officers were engaged in a process of sponsoring debate and planning , including through such conferences as one on school experience and the assessment of practical teaching , held in York in October 1976 — a pioneer conference from which emerged a CNAA-funded research project which reported three years later .
15 Up to five sections were examined for each subclass because of the scarcity of IgG-producing cells in some specimens .
16 There are a number of Acts of Parliament which empower a magistrate on sworn information to issue a warrant to search for such things as stolen goods , forged documents , drugs .
17 Time to move on , maybe , to search for some answers before the whole thing comes down around my ears .
18 In the closing stages of the tournament I felt that the message had got through to the players about staying on their feet , and there were less penalties given for this offence than in the pool games .
19 The minister is then faced with the task of keeking to see during that prayer whether there are enough potential listeners to justify proceedings with his prepared material .
20 In Scotland and Wales public pressure developed for more independence than could be gained from decentralized administration .
21 We do not yet know the implications for job numbers of the reorganisation , but as stated in the AEA Times Bulletin there may be a need to plan for more reductions than previously anticipated .
22 Thirteen patients were referred for this treatment as they were considered unsuitable for conventional cholecystectomy either on account of age ( n=4 , range 79–86 years ) or serious medical problems ( n=9 , range 72–78 years ) including one patient ( X ) who was on the waiting list for a heart transplant .
23 Employment problems now account for more claims than any other factor , according to LPG , who in one recent case picked up a £13,000 legal costs bill for an accountant dismissed by Lambeth Council .
24 The finest of them all was probably Roger Payne ( 1739–97 ) , paradoxically an uneducated , hard-drinking workman , content to live in squalor , yet , over the years 1770–97 , producing for such patrons as Lord Spencer work that influenced the craft not only in England but in France , whose binding had for so long been supreme .
25 I asked for more money because of Zadak : I wanted to give him money for rain .
26 He was educated at Mill Hill School under Dr Thorowgood and was not intended for any profession until family losses made it necessary .
27 Climbing expeditions into the peaks themselves have also left behind piles of rubbish , and Cullen ( 1986 ) points out that the problem is compounded by the fact that in such a high Alpine environment decomposition rates are very slow so that discarded materials may persist for several years if not decades .
28 Equalization is not so much between classes as between individuals within a population which is now treated for this purpose as though it were one class .
29 Nearly half those who killed themselves were suffering from mental illness , most of those were being treated for those problems when they died .
30 Such a situation also undermines the role of district nurses and health visitors if they have to go through that procedure when they know that they should be able to take the responsibility .
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