Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Designed for Manufacturers information on the type of runner and foot each shoe is recommended for .
2 Apart from qualifying for Pseuds Corner in Private Eye and avoiding the use of plain English , what Rumbold was trying to say was that British youth had just discovered trainers in the late Eighties .
3 Chop onion and chicken into small pieces and cook with petits pois in water or , if desired , white wine with water , in the wok or frying pan for 10 minutes .
4 A latent violence — which also surfaced in police treatment of suffragettes — pervaded the work of Belfort Bax , a leading socialist , who warned that suffragists had foregone the right to male protection and should be treated accordingly .
5 Young Arsenal supporters sometimes disembark from trains south of the river and enter Chelsea territory across Wandsworth Bridge .
6 Congress responded to grass-roots pressure by only permitting a maximum cut of 37,600 in reserve and national guard forces , whereas the Pentagon wanted a reduction of 105,000 .
7 So far as the scope of the duty in the offences of assault , resistance and obstruction is concerned , the law has developed in such a way that the obligation is not confined to duties stricto sensu , i.e. something that the officer is compelled by law to do .
8 AND MUCH MORE His Master 's Voice says NO What other shops say to dogs PUPPY OF ALL BATTLES We help bring Des back from the Gulf
9 Two Russian boys , being educated at Downs School near Malvern in Worcestershire , have been in Britain long enough to learn the language , one of them proud to interpret .
10 The Annual General Meeting of the Chartered Institute of Transport in the UK will be held on Monday March 29 , 1993 at 1030 hrs at , to consider the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended September 30 , 1992 , to elect to the Board , Mr A Dartnell and Miss S Jourdain having been nominated by Sections Conference as Directors , and to elect auditors for the year 1992–3 .
11 The length of the period of cultivation in this bush/fallow cycle depended on the quality of the soils , the requirement of the crops for nutrients , and on whether fertility was supplemented by cattle manure from the farmers ' own livestock .
12 Southall , 34 , who drives 140 miles a day between his home in Llandudno , North Wales , and the Everton ground in Liverpool , was trapped by police radar in August .
13 In a contract made between parties face to face the seller will find it difficult to show that to him the identity of the buyer was a vital factor in deciding to make the contract .
14 When the transaction is completed , the Boston Five will be merged with Citizens Bank of Massachusetts ( CBM ) .
15 The street around the Stones ' house buzzed and crawled with police activity for the next hour .
16 Er as we know round about July August time , the remaining nine P C's will be er turned into civilians wave of a magic wand the biggest problem there is the total loss of our skills base overnight effectively , the second thing is it 'll take a long long time to get them trained particularly in relation to A L O work .
17 Family membership is highly valued , and new arrivals will be incorporated into groups resident in Britain , receiving practical and financial help if necessary .
18 The starting point for each of them is to ascertain from the appropriate table of retail price indices covering the period between service of writ and trial what would have been the equivalent of those damages in the money of the day at the date of service of writ , reckoned in pounds sterling at the higher value that they then stood at at the very beginning of the period for which simple interest is to be given .
19 But musically at least , you 've moved from Stooges-meets-Beefheart conflagration to something more classically structured : the songs are like the charred and gutted husks of magnificent pop architecture .
20 From Britain and the northern United States Fomalhaut is always very low down ; but when near the zenith , as seen from countries south of the equator , it is very prominent — particularly because there are no other bright stars anywhere near it .
21 She was transferred to Ops Section in 1985 .
22 Indeed , almost any investigation is likely to lead to results conditional on a range of alternative assumptions .
23 The champions will be decided on points difference for the first time .
24 These cases show that the courts took a fairly hard line when it came to police discretion in this area .
25 And today the Executive admitted it could do better when it came to grounds maintenance in that area of the city .
26 DOUBTS remained last night over whether the Government had honoured its promise not to impose cash limits on drugs expenditure in the bill to bring in National Health Service changes published yesterday .
27 Both changes parallel changes made to companies legislation by the Companies Act 1989 .
28 The range of data sets involved and the demands that are made on GIS technology in applications of this kind are often more limited than those of previous applications fields .
29 Partnerships , a quarterly newspaper highlighting issues in the fields of arts and disabilities in the West Midlands , has produced a special issue looking at arts provision for older people .
30 A team at the Westport labs is looking at solids invasion in conditions of high permeability and large pore throat geometry .
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