Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Up to 5,000 ethnic Turks and members of the Pomak community ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) had held a vigil outside the National Assembly building on Dec. 28-29 , but had dispersed after the contents of the resolution had been disclosed to them by National Assembly Speaker Stanko Todorov .
2 Their refusal to face the fact that many schools want to opt out of having their budgeting done for them by remote administrators .
3 In many cases some of the work has been done for you by previous scholars ; so , for example there is a book called Allusions in Ulysses ( which lists allusions made in James Joyce 's novel Ulysses ) .
4 While Smailovic in Sarajevo plays the Adagio specially written for him by Edinburgh-based composer Nigel Osborne , he will be joined by American cellist Evelyn Elsing at the Capitol in Washington DC , Florian Kitt at the Red Cross Depot in Vienna and music student Diana Isaacs in Edinburgh .
5 But while he argues for general connections between the rites , incidentally ignoring the many repudiations of Gnosticism that were made of it by early Christian leaders , his viewpoint is much more balanced than Scobie 's . )
6 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
7 I thought she was really very nice and my opinion was formed from that one meeting with her by pure accident .
8 Once the spit starts to form material is pushed along it by longshore drift , thus leading to its continued growth until it reaches water so deep that wave action is destructive .
9 Babies do not enter this world suffering from anxiety ; it is a condition which is imposed upon them by other people — although not necessarily intentionally .
10 Waking in the morning is again normally imposed upon us by social factors — the need to get to work , to do shopping , to fulfil appointments , etc .
11 Agreements were also signed on Kaliningrad ( administratively part of Russia but separated from it by Lithuanian territory ) , and on the rights of each population in the other republic .
12 Skelton Village and the area of D thirty nine and D forty form no part of the built area of York , but are separated from it by open country .
13 First , the one I have already drawn attention to — love is infused in us by revealing love .
14 Some relatively soft Egyptian alabaster was imported and at least forty vases were made from it by Minoan craftsmen .
15 Idealised versions of life in the USA , for example , were often presented to me by young people who had watched many films and television programmes , as well as talking with foreigners .
16 In the ensuing raid by our officers , who had been tipped off about the smuggling run , a pitched battle between our men and the smugglers had led to several amusing incidents , related to us by local officers .
17 Reactive attitudes of this sort are contrasted with so-called ‘ objective ’ ones , which we adopt towards agents who are not regarded as morally responsible : thus we often try not to resent injuries done to us by small children or the mad , because we recognise that , in some sense , they do not know what they are doing .
18 Now that we are beginning to understand the basic mechanisms of calcium release and entry , the next challenge is to describe the complex spatiotemporal patterns of calcium signalling revealed to us by single-cell imaging techniques .
19 No-one can have shown Americans round cities such as London , Brighton or Bristol and not been subjected to gasps of horror when they see the depredation wrought on them by ill-sited high buildings and demolished streets .
20 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues of Ightham , were also granted to him by papal indult .
21 Certainly I have had it said to me by grieving , often very elderly , people : ‘ There 's nothing left for me now , I just want to be with my husband .
22 There will also be studies of how children 's tendency to believe or disbelieve statements made to them by other children is influenced by the presence of such verbs in the statements .
23 Those whose husbands were away went in constant dread of advances made to them by Allied soldiers in the area .
24 However , the plea continually made to us by senior police officers and members of the Police Federation and other organisations representing the police is that they do not have sufficient people .
25 The degree and nature of any interaction between the proposal and existing research programmes would depend totally on the needs of each individual submission made to us by visiting researchers , and can not be foreseen at this stage .
26 SALMAN RUSHDIE made a dramatic television appeal yesterday for a meeting with the Prime Minister to fortify his campaign to end the fatwa sentence of death imposed on him by Iranian fundamentalists .
27 The timber producing companies , the announcement says , would prefer to be respected for their integrity in the exercise of self-control without conditions imposed on them by other countries .
28 The other thing , I think , erm I do appreciate that Phyllis has got a terrible problem running the Council with the constraints imposed on her by Central Government , and by and large I think they do it very well , as I have said .
29 In this country , which has no serious experience of genuine fascism , the word ‘ fascist ’ is beginning to be applied to anyone who does not accept the statutory myth of the ‘ multi-racial society ’ , imposed on us by successive governments who have even contrived to make any open , honest discussion of it illegal .
30 It gives credibility to the particular choice we as a self-defining ‘ human ’ group have made , and reinforces the validity of that choice by obscuring the fact that we make it voluntarily , rather than have it imposed on us by scientific laws which are unquestionable and necessary .
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