Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] from the " in BNC.

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1 He constructed his own refined version of the newly-invented telescope and peered through it from the top of St Mark 's tower in Venice .
2 Sally-Anne sometimes thought that her career as a housemaid had been sparked off by that remark as much as by anything else — that and discovering how hard life was in the East End , and her determination to write about it from the inside , rather than as a privileged outsider looking in .
3 Huy had returned to his house in order to work out a way of getting into the brothel known by the impious name of the Glory of Set — Nebamun had been right , he found that he simply could not let the whole thing drop , and now there was a friend 's death to be avenged — when the message had come for him from the palace compound .
4 Instead of being cosily tucked up in her bunk near the bar , she surprisingly came walking towards me from the sleeping car forward of Filmer 's , her diamonds lighting small bright fires with every step .
5 Young men leap past us from the roof above , splashing into the water to catch up with their canoes , beer bottles held aloft .
6 The party rejoined the coalition in 1921 in order to work against it from the inside .
7 While each of the principal lacunae is developing , a tracheal branch and a nerve grow into it from the base of the wing , the lacunae apparently offering the paths of least resistance .
8 Abolition of the Southern League also robbed players of a useful safety valve , for no transfer fee was payable when a player moved into it from the League .
9 She was always surprised that things did n't fall on her from the sky more often , considering how much was up there these days .
10 He said , ‘ Sickness has given me this fortune that this sultan has come to my side , at morn so health and well being have accrued to me from the arrival of this King without retinue .
11 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
12 Then words had come to him from the sky .
13 In fact , he was so happy with the idea that had come to him from the writer , Peter Shaffer , he began the serious rethink of his career which friends like Lance Percival had been thinking for some time was overdue .
14 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
15 Vehicles started up again and a familiar voice shouted to him from the side of the truck .
16 He tries to guess what you say to him from the vowels .
17 Sun Microsystems Inc hopes to get one of its workstations on BBC1 's Tomorrow 's World science television programme in the UK tomorrow : Oklahoma State University 's Dr Marvin Stone has developed a hand-held device dubbed ‘ the thumper ’ which can measure the ripeness of a watermelon by delivering a blow to its skin and Sparcstations can put up a colour map indicating the ripeness of a field of watermelons from data downloaded to it from the thumper .
18 Diamond Head was leaping at me from the right .
19 Your only chance is to pull at him from the side , which may steer him away from the refuge he seeks .
20 However , the individualistic approach of modern Darwinism which looks at it from the point of view of the reproductive success of individual genes , is n't like the older group selectionistic thinking was , prejudiced in favour of any group .
21 A dog with more breeds in its blood than hairs on its back foamed and yapped at them from the limit of its rope ; the curtains of several trailers were drawn back by shadowy witnesses ; two girls in early adolescence , both with hair so long and blonde they looked to have been baptized in gold ( unlikely beauty , in such a place ) rose from beside the fire , one running as if to alert guards , the other watching the newcomers with a smile somewhere between the seraphic and the cretinous on her face .
22 The circumstances will dictate how much you can make of it from the standpoint of good video .
23 For those theses which were read , and were subsequently not cited , Kochen 's fourth alternative contains some of the possible reasons for non-citation , but there may be others , and it is not possible to choose between them from the evidence currently available .
24 Naylor entered the building and was still looking for me when there on the mat right outside your door he saw a set of keys which he instantly recognised as mine from the Alsace wine fob on the key-ring . ’
25 He had adopted his slighting manner , he knew , to protect himself from the attraction which she had possessed for him from the first moment that he had seen her .
26 During the day we lay up in the desert , camouflaging ourselves with pieces of hessian sacking against the R.A.F. patrols who were out looking for us from the air .
27 The Archbishop arrived in Munich between performances of La finta giardiniera , and although he was not to hear the work himself , he learnt about it from the Elector and his family :
28 Passing beneath it from the lay part of the church , the nave , to the chancel , where the priest celebrated , figuratively marked the rite of passage from earth to heaven .
29 She came with us from the orphanage back home , two hundred heads in two hundreds beds and two hundred broken hearts under two hundred army surplus blankets and the good nuns to look after us .
30 The shapes of the things we make are , as a general rule , imposed upon them from the outside : we do not make ‘ embryo ’ machines which acquire complex shapes by intrinsic processes .
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