Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] in their " in BNC.

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1 About 60 per cent of self-poisoners take psychotropic drugs that have been prescribed for them in their overdoses ( Hawton et al. 1977 ) .
2 Most media professionals appear to know what is expected of them in their various organisations , each of which has different political backers , and the media product tends to be created accordingly .
3 ‘ So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
4 " Who exactly are the slant-eyed oriental gentlemen who 've come among us in their gaudy silk dressing gowns and funny hats ? "
5 No material is given about their activities as Mufti , and no anecdotes are related about them in their capacity as Mufti , though something is related about each in his capacity as kadi .
6 The grooms on the train were all younger , thinner and from what I 'd seen of them in their uniform T-shirts less positive .
7 Meeting their expectations means communicating with them in their own tongue .
8 Any teacher who tries to devise a syllabus for a music class that will appeal to the members of the class for its relevance , or who attempts to attract the English class by giving them things to read or act that will speak to them in their own language is in danger of falling into the trap of ‘ thinking down ’ to his pupils , of condescending to them .
9 The old tight links between banks and firms related to them in their industrial groups have gone .
10 You just say , ‘ Come on ’ — speak to them in their own language and they 'll understand you .
11 Anxious readers of the Daily Telegraph have been writing to me in their thousands to ask : what happens to these celebrities in the event of a hung parliament ?
12 judges enjoy an almost complete immunity in respect of acts — even corrupt and malicious acts , happily rare in our history — done by them in their judicial capacity .
13 Farmers needed to identify likely emergency situations on their farms and ensure that there was somebody able to cover for them in their absence .
14 Beyond that lay the Germans ' barbed wire , and beyond that still the Germans , waiting for them in their trenches .
15 Relatives always made disparaging remarks about me ‘ breaking the chain' of five boys , but consoled my parents that they at least had a girl to look after them in their old age .
16 and could report upon them in their own ethical statements , but they could not object to my ethical statements as I meant them , if I have the relevant feelings .
17 Many horses have a lot of negative things happen to them in their lives , like Anna ; but unlike with Anna , they are usually interspersed with good things too — which fortunately have an undoing effect .
18 Then they beat him with the pipes once again , but when they realized that he had managed to keep his secrets from them , that this small Englishman was not for talking , they turned on him in their fury and kicked and beat him until they feared they had killed him .
19 Edward I and Edward II had two principal courses of action open to them in their rivalry with the king of France over judicial supremacy in Aquitaine .
20 Nothing is more characteristic of churches than their attitude to assurance and the place they give to it in their preaching and systems of doctrine .
21 I 'm sure everyone 's familiar with the roundback or bowl design pioneered by Ovation and successfully used by them in their electro-acoustic guitars .
22 I used to go and stay with them in their homes — in London , in Sussex , in Devonshire … ’
23 I prayed for them in their growing up years more than I had ever done before .
24 Gould had stayed with them in their hut on his way to and from Namoi .
25 calling to him in their stone language
26 The birds are excited by our garden and by the flowers that shine around us in their troughs and pots .
27 while the material mode of existence is the primum agens this does not preclude the ideological spheres from reacting upon it in their turn .
28 Making a hole in the top of a roll they poured in whiskey until it was well soaked , then threw it to the screaming gulls , who swooped upon it in their dozens .
29 So the majority of golfers are best advised simply to judge the wind conditions and allow for them in their choice of club and aim .
30 To fulfil a positive role for a profession , its education and training programme should equip candidates for what will be demanded of them in their future careers .
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