Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I 'm I mean for me the issues is avoiding guilt tripping them , but at the same time erm I want them to know erm that they are real children who are being really affected and hurt and damaged and losing their parents as a result of this war , and that is a hurtful thing to know .
2 He provided for us the necessities of life — food , shelter , clothing .
3 I think that 's a load of shit , half of his stuff , I mean they 're , they 're good reproductions , tin of Heinz Bake Beans but any monkey can fucking do that charge fifty grand for it or whatever they charged for it The ones I 've always liked is erm , I du n no if you 've ever seen any , Ed , Edward Lanzear used to paint a lot of er Queen Victoria used to do er animal paintings .
4 Lenin was very conscious of Marx 's warning that each war contains within it the seeds of a fresh war , an observation amply born out by the conflicts between France and Prussia-Germany in Marx 's lifetime and in Lenin 's time by the First World War .
5 ‘ An essential characteristic of cyclical behaviour is not only that expansion and contraction follow each other , but that each phase of the cycle contains within it the seeds to generate the succeeding phase ’ ( R. Levacic , Macroeconomics ) .
6 ‘ People have a tendency to present their messages as a new problem … rather than as something which has within it the elements of a solution . ’
7 A year later , on Tuesday , 13 April 1773 , Boswell ‘ again solicited him to communicate to me the particulars of his early life .
8 Always hovering like a vulture around the vulnerable , pressing on them the drinks and fattening foods to make all his dreams come true .
9 Make him fit the bill ; imagine for him the attributes that you require .
10 ‘ She also asked me to recount for her the circumstances leading up to the car crash in May 1968 in which poor Willy Morpurgo suffered brain damage . ’
11 With a sigh she knew that in the morning when the people returned they would bring with them the rivalries and ill-feeling that had spoiled everything .
12 It was God 's intention that his people should always carry with them the values learnt at Mt Sinai .
13 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
14 These examples are more comprehensive too , because they put before us the ways people communicate visually as well as verbally .
15 ‘ I have seen it come down from the sky with a noise like thunder , and I have seen within it the bodies of those who were Too Late ! ’
16 Bear in mind that if a total loss occurs you still have to pay any outstanding instalments and if a Motor policy is cancelled you are liable for premiums up to the date we receive from you the Certificate(s) of Insurance .
17 According to her the dogs are not a nuisance and she wo n't pay the fine .
18 When Robert II of Flanders passed Christmas at St Omer , ‘ there came to him the dukes , the counts , the lords of many regions , nobles and knights from the whole of Flanders , and many French bishops ’ .
19 I do not propose that we enter new markets at this stage , but rather that we seek strategic alliances with practices that offer professional services that we do not , and can bring to us the benefits of their expertise and client base on a reciprocal basis .
20 ‘ The defendant had been personally negligent in that he had failed to take such steps and make such inquiries as would have revealed to him the defects in his structure and the risks of fire thereby occasioned . ’
21 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
22 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
23 ( 1 ) A licensing board shall not refuse to grant a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 2 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the applicant is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to hold a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not fit and convenient for the purposes of the canteen ; or ( c ) in a case where objection has been made to the situation of the canteen , on the ground specified in the objection ; or ( d ) that the applicant or body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement limiting the sources from which the alcoholic liquor or the mineral waters to be sold in the canteen may be obtained ; but nothing in this subsection shall prevent a licensing board from specifying in the licence granted by it the types of liquor ( including if the board thinks fit types of liquor other than those in respect of which the application for the licence was made ) which may be sold under the licence , and the holder of the licence or his employee or agent shall be guilty of an offence , if he sells alcoholic liquor of a type other than that specified in the licence .
24 You imagine that if I were to catalogue for you the incidents of my life , and tell you all my memories , you would come to know me better .
25 These new measurements were counted in two series of twelve with their poles at noon and midnight , and to differentiate between them the terms ante meridiem and post meridiem ( ‘ am ’ and ‘ pm ’ ) were coined .
26 If it uses weapons of mass destruction against our [ Arab ] nation , we will use against it the weapons of mass destruction in our possession [ see p. 37390 ] . "
27 Before your children come to Heriot 's we would like you to discuss with them the aims of this School and the values on which we lay emphasis .
28 You must not think him ridden with angst just because , for once , he 's agreed to discuss with us the things he normally ignores .
29 You do n't , that 's why I asked whether Richard could join your committee so that he could voice to you the things he tried to explain to me which I think are
30 By 1939 he had strengthened Beechams by adding to it the firms which manufactured Macleans toothpaste and powders , Eno 's fruit salts , and the hair preparation Brylcreem .
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