Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Software vendors such as Telesmart are doing their bit to help by providing software to sit between users ' applications and the various EDI networks ( see Panel 2 — British Gypsum ) .
2 No credit is given for trusts ' abilities to enhance returns through gearing .
3 McHale plans to use the extra £50,000 he has been given for players ' wages to good effect .
4 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
5 Ideally joint guidelines should be developed for parents ' evenings .
6 Like , I 'm sure that child 's seen enough policemen in the past few weeks , you do n't know what goes through kids ' minds .
7 She took a BSc honours degree in Sociology at London University , worked as a community counsellor for one-parent families in Camden and was on the literature panel of the Arts Council until their decision to return to the Government some money designated for writers ' bursaries led her to resign in disgust .
8 He should take his own route in his own time and avoid the tendency to see through others ' eyes .
9 The attackers had shouted abuse at Mr Sheldon , his brother Peter , 18 , and Mr Cole , who were walking between friends ' houses in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh just before 2am .
10 The attackers had shouted abuse at Mr Sheldon , his brother Peter , 18 , and Mr Cole , who were walking between friends ' houses in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh just before 2am .
11 Because parental involvement is such a key feature , teachers also need to know about parents ' rights and responsibilities under the legislation , in addition to those of the school and LEA .
12 Community Health Councils , the health watchdog bodies now formally established in every area , and local voluntary organizations can play a key role in pressing for users ' views to be heard .
13 It was still early when they went in to Gamages and headed for Ladies ' Gowns .
14 Rawls often writes of individuals ' conceptions of the good as if they are their views of the good life for themselves .
15 Its two handles , flattened , curled like pigs ' ears , were striped in yellow and blue .
16 Is not the essential difference between Government policies and those of the Opposition that the Government 's prime concern lies with patients ' interests , while Opposition Members ' prime concern is to keep happy the unions that pay and sponsor them ?
17 ( 5 ) Some record offices offer in-service courses , or workshops to allow teachers to prepare their own teaching materials , or will cooperate with teachers ' groups producing resource materials .
18 Police and army vehicles were interspersed with civilians ' traps and tradesmen 's carts , the latter having to submit to careful scrutiny before being allowed to enter the Barracks square .
19 Even in cases where teachers clearly disagreed with advisers ' recommendations , they had at least been forced to reconsider their existing practices .
20 Nigel , who in any case really delighted in sows ' ears which had the faintest possibility of turning into even cotton purses , beavered away with them for an hour or more before unceremoniously dumping them in the dustbin and banging down the lid .
21 These have come from employers ' organisations , individual companies , trade unions and other organisations , and from individual people .
22 - Buses in the morning and afternoon are suddenly full of children , traffic jams are caused by cars containing family groups and signs appear in tobacconists ' shops : ‘ Sorry , No More Than One Schoolchild In Here At A Time , Put Your Arms Up and Stand Against The Wall To Be Searched When Requested .
23 Trouble was with old miners , they tended to exaggerate — a gleam of mineral seen decades previously often became transmogrified in mens ' minds to a wonderful thickness , be it lead , copper , tin , gold , or whatever .
24 Prices tend to be omitted from publishers ' catalogues ( or given in a separate leaflet which becomes detached from the main catalogue ) .
25 Yet he could n't quite drum up the enmity that seemed necessary in the circumstances , and that fact quite pleased him , for it proved what an enduring thing male friendship was , even if Jim did look to him less than his old self , and over-dressed in foreigners ' plumes that must have cost a packet in duty , the jacket obviously being pure wool .
26 8.3.2 the date ( if any ) upon which the Premises are relet This provision is frequently included in guarantors ' covenants , probably to cover the position where the landlord has no objection to taking back the premises with a view to a future letting , but in the meantime to secure some form of rental income .
27 Capital instruments which do not contain an obligation to transfer economic benefits should be reported within shareholders ' funds .
28 The [ draft ] FRS requires that all shares are reported within shareholders ' funds .
29 The [ draft ] FRS therefore requires all shares to be reported within shareholders ' funds .
30 Warrants are also required to be reported within shareholders ' funds , provided they do not contain an obligation to transfer economic benefits ( in which case they would not be within the definition of warrants contained in the [ draft ] FRS ) .
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