Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Ten Fridays and four half days are given for private members ' motions .
2 Er never asked about full names er of everyone whether it be yourself , the husband or the kids the full names .
3 However , heterologous telomeric DNAs exhibit a broad spectrum of activity in their ability to be recognized as functional telomeres in vivo .
4 Dr. Corrigan suggests that ‘ by the time the World Health Organisation have listed and checked all the herbs which could be used , doctors may find themselves prescribing herbs which were once dismissed as old wives ' tales ’ .
5 Er it 's really is to follow on from this debate that we 're having about what should happen if a shortfall occurs , erm and we 've heard , I 've been listening carefully to your views about er the way in which you agree with the Good Committee that a shortfall is an employers debt , the employers responsibility to meet that shortfall and we 've been talking about that shortfall should be met , but the Good Committee also concluded that er pensioners should not be regarded as preferential creditors erm and you also agreed with that .
6 Moreover , they are regarded as valuable collectors ' items , not toys .
7 The dead King had been a lecher who lusted after other men 's wives , daughters , sisters , like a dog on heat .
8 First , suppose as above that the eigenvalues are all distinct ; then in view of ( 1.16.9 ) we may write the polynomial unc ( A ) as unc Now the diagonal matrix unc has for diagonal elements unc all of which vanish ; i.e. unc is null .
9 Unlike the élitists , many of whom wish to compensate for working-class children 's loss of traditional agricultural satisfactions through a mainly affective curriculum , Searle recommends creativity to strengthen working-class children 's confidence and pride in their own identity .
10 He really believed that he could do this through , through the form of the Blitzkrieg , that is through a limited war er which would secure military objectives and then produce a political peace and the model er for his er policy was in fact the eighteenth century where many wars occurred between European powers wa impo imperial wars and wars on , on t on er total Europe , but none of these wars resulted in the destruction of any state .
11 From its international headquarters in Montreal , Canada , AMARC serves a network of African radio producers and , along with partner organisations on the continent , is developing training materials and resources appropriate for specific countries ' needs .
12 Many American , Russian , British and French high-technology weapons will fall into other countries ' hands .
13 Our treatment success rate lies within other authors ' experience with local endoscopic treatment , reporting success rates ranging from 82 ( 1 ) to 100% , with much shorter study periods , however .
14 Erm I certainly er would agree that the starting point would be erm a policy which talks of development being permitted in certain circumstances erm and that the county council wishes to support development which benefits the rural economy erm subject to satisfying certain criteria .
15 Well the trend though over all is absolutely clear , that the Labour Party is committed to increasing women 's representation and is absolutely on that path , we 've more Labour women MP s and increasing numbers of women in the shadow cabinet it 's only in the end of the nineteen eighties , as recently as then , that we had no women in the shadow cabinet , now everybody agrees that it would look quite wrong not to have women in the shadow cabinet , we 've got a woman deputy leader , three women in the shadow cabinet , and therefore we 're definitely moving forward .
16 In the great tempting scene between Angelo and Isabella the deputy hypocritically exclaims on other men 's sins — ‘ Ha , fie , these filthy vices ! ’
17 They apply to different communities , they have responded to different communities ' needs but they also contribute to a ripple effect of achievement at national and international levels which will ultimately benefit the lives of many more children .
18 Cubs and even foetuses cut from the bodies of pregnant females were added to individual hunters ' totals .
19 The tax rebate relating to prior years ' tax paid was recognised in last year 's accounts as an extraordinary tax credit , but has been included in taxation on profit on ordinary activities in these accounts in accordance with FRS3 .
20 The first part of the research will focus on local authorities ' total expenditure , whilst the second principle objective of the research will be to investigate whether the reforms lead to a change in the pattern of service provision .
21 VINCE KRAWCZYK , coach to Scottish women 's champions , Glasgow Powerhouse , has conceded the league title to rivals Team Components Bureau .
22 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
23 Cameron , needing nothing , sat around the house , surrounded by other peoples ' books and music and art .
24 Er item five on the minutes was , Can we combat the competition posed by other children 's activities ?
25 Indeed , following on from the government 's Next Steps agencies ( see below ) , for many government executive operations outturn information in departmental reports will , in future , be supplemented by individual agencies ' annual reports to Parliament .
26 They have been updated and supplemented by local authorities ' own guidelines , covering procedures , training and pupil-teacher ratios , ranging in Strathclyde 's case from 10-1 for easy hillwalking to 5-1 for walking on difficult ridges .
27 He had never thought to find himself discussing such a thing with a single young woman , but he had heard of American girls ' frankness , and he supposed that this was a sample of it .
28 They are overcharging for fitting childrens ' safety seats .
29 So I want to talk about medical practices er
30 PET ‘ HOTEL HATES ’ ( THE FREQUENT ONES ) * narrow stairs and no lifts * low shower pressure * telephone kiosks built for left-handed midgets * only one plug , down on the floor under the bed and 5AMP * hairdryers on 1m fixed lead from the floor socket 3m away from wall mirror facing opposite direction * just two 40 watt lamps to read and work by * toilet rolls positioned for contortionists only * room service that brings each course separately throughout Dallas * radiators that have n't been on for years * radiators that wo n't go off * basins that take half an hour to empty after you 've cleaned your teeth and you want to shave * stoppers that hang under the cold water tap but do n't reach the drain * stoppers that have no chain so you wallow in the dirty water to find them * toilets where you can sit down or close the door but not both
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