Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] about the " in BNC.

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1 He asked for prayer about the journey to Jerusalem , knowing the tensions that existed between the Christians who had been of the Jewish faith , and those who were converted Gentiles .
2 We took it up with the Education Officer who asked for information about the family .
3 Within Judaism , Christianity and Islam , faith is a response to what is claimed as revelation about the nature of reality .
4 Trading off information about the ship to keep Nadirpur 's family alive . ’
5 Railway enthusiasts , understandably , have let off steam about the matter and say the town has lost out on a major tourist opportunity .
6 Among voters , the longing for the consumer society is mixed with concern about the costs of a market shock-treatment .
7 It is easy for a well-fed English-woman like myself to shake with anger about the futility of war , to protest about the iniquity of racial prejudice and to deplore the helplessness of little people in the face of vast political forces fighting for power .
8 Last night , Bashir Maan , chairman of Strathclyde Community Relations Council , said he was not prepared to comment in detail about the controversy until Mr McNeill had his opportunity to put his case .
9 Mr , sorry I you may want to comment in fact about the relationship of these figures and the emerging policy in Cleveland .
10 THIRD : The statement adds to speculation about the state of the couple 's marriage .
11 Information that has now come to light about the political gulags and the Gestapo tactics of the secret police has certainly done much to underline the totalitarian essences of even the ‘ soft ’ regimes .
12 POLICE last night appealed for information about the whereabouts of a missing antiques dealer as a man claimed he owes him £1,600 .
13 ‘ Perhaps our friend Fagg is looking for enlightenment about the role of the Vietnamese in the Second World War , or by chance Glastonbury is investigating recent discoveries of esoteric viruses . ’
14 Attempts were made to contact all those writing for information about the scheme in 1980 and then follow them up in detail .
15 His face seemed to be divided into two : the bottom half was all smiling and pleased to see me , the top half was frowning with anxiety about the dinner .
16 A basic concern for wholeness ( a ) to be able and willing to reflect in depth about the totality of life 's experience and the views one comes across .
17 This often results in confusion about the committee 's precise remit and a lack of focus in its operations .
18 Not only does this result in uncertainty about the future of projects funded through Making Belfast Work but it also creates inter-departmental friction and runs counter to the findings of the government scrutiny report of funding of voluntary agencies , which said funding should be tied to departmental objectives .
19 This results from uncertainty about the segmentation of the input string ( i.e. where does one character stop and the next one start in a cursive word ) .
20 The move came amidst concern about the high levels of bad debt carried by the Nigerian banking system , particularly that held by some of the smaller banks set up in recent years .
21 No chance to talk to Mum about the bike I dream of day and night !
22 Anger is now tempered by anxiety about the outcome of a war , but serious opposition to Mr Mubarak 's policy has not , so far , emerged .
23 Wunis , a young oil company official , was to some extent moved by indignation about the deceitfulness of the government ; he was also perhaps self-consciously applying those notions of good efficient management which he had gained from his oil company training : decisions about expenditure have to be made in a context of opportunity costs , of an overview of expenditure as a whole .
24 Both these examples illustrate particular choices made by management about the organisation of work after the introduction of new technology .
25 So it is to them , the creators of American literature , that I look for clarification about the invention and effect of Africanism in the United States .
26 Yes Chairman i it relates to the the body of the policies in the structure plan and if Aida 's plan generally conforms then we must er issue a statement of general conformity er however if there is a , a problem that we 've had for example about the wording of the reference to the erm East Worthing access road , then although that it 's quite proper for this committee to be concerned about that wording and ultimately possibly even to object to the plan on the basis of the wording , it does n't affect the extent to which the plan conforms or does n't conform with the structure plan overall .
27 He is in fact specifically accused of ignorance about the Celts by Strabo ( 2.2.41 ) .
28 Now I do not actually recall er us going into detail about the harbouring er and I certainly do n't recall erm that we were talking about a hostage situation .
29 Bertie seemed almost giddy in its presence , and talked with animation about the storage pools and irrigation channels .
30 With her customary curtness , Camilla insisted she had not been told in advance about the announcement .
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