Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [num] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My horse is kept at a lovely yard 13 miles away : too far for many people 's choice , but the facilities and the people compensate for the 20 minute drive .
2 It was the same idealistic but essentially woolly vision of institutionalized divisions melting away as human contacts and common interests developed between the two entrenched camps .
3 He left school at sixteen and immersed himself in the Labour Party , canvassing for the 1966 general election .
4 But I , I mean through the nineteen fifties there is a reasonable measure of co-operation between the Russians and the Chinese and then from the beginning of the nineteen sixties and onwards there is conflict between Russia and China .
5 Allowing for the three major leakages of imports , savings and taxation , it has been calculated that for every £l paid to an employee in the UK , a further 80 pence of expenditure is generated throughout the economy .
6 ‘ A son , ’ he announced as the four young ones ran to his open arms .
7 These meetings are Making the most of the seventy fifth in shops , Involving young people in singing for the seventy fifth , Branches sharing fund raising ideas for the seventy fifth and Small World Theatre extracts from Moving , a play on the theme of refugees .
8 On even days he whispered about the five different meanings of how 's your father and the etymology of knackered , Bob 's your uncles , and taking the piss out of X or Y .
9 Handbill for the 1900 Olympic match
10 The duke president of Youth Clubs UK , catering for a million young people said the scheme was long overdue .
11 This is a small and friendly bed and breakfast pension where you will be well looked after by Frau Feichter ; the house is situated about a 10 minute walk from the centre of town .
12 The incremental area under the curve was calculated for the 30 minute period of stimulation in each individual patient by the trapezoid method , after subtraction of the mean basal for that patient .
13 Survey formrs for the 1993 Good beer Guide will be dispatched to branches in late October .
14 If I do not wish to continue after the three monthly issues I will write and let you know within 10 days of receiving my third issue and will not owe you a penny .
15 Jordan 's overriding objective continued to be survival , caught between the two regional powers , Syria and Israel , and between the imperatives of the Palestinian movement and its own interest in the West Bank .
16 Results were still awaited for the 10 non-Moslem seats .
17 I caught an early edition , read about the ruckus , and thought I 'd better come home and see what was happening about the five grand . ’
18 The law also provided for a 24 nautical mile " adjacent area " in which the Taiwan government could take precautions against any intrusion .
19 Indeed , the fact that performance varied between the two logical items suggests that factors other than the physical/psychological/logical distinction may be responsible for the variations in performance .
20 Whatever transpired between the two long-time friends must be really serious .
21 The Galleries will act as a one million sq ft magnet to six million shoppers , not just from Birmingham , but from the entire West Midlands conurbation and beyond .
22 ‘ During the whole of her illness , prayer was made without ceasing by the whole Church on her behalf , and I felt persuaded that the Lord would yet hear us and for His name 's sake appear as the one prayer-hearing God — for the heathen around knew what was done , and would say , ‘ Where is now your God ? '' ’
23 The emergency services are investigating why firefighters turned up late to a mock nuclear accident.Confusion over phone lines is being blamed for a ten minute delay before the fire brigade responded .
24 Gallup for The Daily Telegraph gave the Conservatives a hair 's breadth half-point lead over Labour , with the Liberal Democrats in danger of being squeezed as the two main parties battle to emerge as the largest party in a possible hung parliament .
25 At the Suffolk elections of 1705 and 1710 , 80 per cent of the clergy voted for the two Tory candidates .
26 The ground resolution of a TM image is such that a pixel has about a 30 m side , which seems appropriate for the scale of analysis used .
27 ( A pause , while Charles tried , according to the best Stanislavskian method , to give the impression of a man torn between the two great motives of his life — love of money and fear of scandal . )
28 As the engine was warm , a single prime and a turn of the key got us turning and burning and we completed the pre-taxi cockpit chores of plugging in headsets ( sensibly , the sockets are located between the two front seats at elbow level , obviating tangles with any controls ) and latching the doors .
29 Our idea — which would involve wheeling a building large enough to cover London 's Tower Bridge over the damaged reactor — gained us a $ prize and , more importantly , an automatic place on the short list for bidding for the 3 million ECU feasibility contract .
30 More than 80% mortality has been reported for the 32 documented cases of herpes B virus infection in man .
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