Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Would this planning application be regarded as a of the .
2 You know I mean after the after the the liberals had er lost the m main support er and the Labour Party came into prominence nobody w w you know you it 'd be almost impossible to put up in and .
3 What d' ya want to know about the on the phone stranger .
4 The butler went off , there was no butler then so I really helped with the with the with the with the food and all that you know .
5 But if he was caught with the with the crown , by his opponents before he circled them and came back to his own allies … then he had to go outside the camp , and he was called a [ maggot ! ] .
6 The Newfoundland will will jump into the into the water and will tow a boat I 've filmed one towing a boat .
7 Or the second model they gave was the special constable either a newly recruited special or a person who is an existing special to work in the in the parish .
8 She says that she she lives in a on the estate on the outskirts of Mansfield have you been checking around that area ?
9 It 's in response to Mr Allenby 's question we seem to be patiently waiting for I think he posed it some time ago about the county council 's view on whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy or whatever you call it , a major exceptions policy in the structure plan , whether the county council would object to it being pursued in the in the local plan .
10 Was there any sp special way in which you contributed to the in the strike , any particular skills you were called upon to .
11 Now these represent , and this list is sent back to us and retained on the with the contract and all the details of this assignment for when it comes to the top of the pile as it were .
12 The railways must be kept together say on the on the Peyton amendment and they could raise money on the private market .
13 Er and I say I want to come on the on the phone and I want to talk to James , I want to put him straight , I tell him that we 're not doing this and I want to tell him that we actually erm know that er the people will be concerned about us giving ourselves a huge pay rise .
14 Everything 's owned by the by the government and er , I know it 's not a right good thing , like , but if it could work properly , it would be a damn good thing .
15 And and and romanticism which is seen as the as the movement which replaces the enlightenment in a sense .
16 , what did you do with the of the milk we had ?
17 Anyway erm so erm you sometimes also find with family situations , let's suppose in some situations you have some you have a daughter in the household who 's being abused by say the father or step-father , maybe if there 's a brother once he gets old enough to start becoming interested in sex , in some cases , although he 's round about the same age as his sister , can be um as it were inducted into the into the cycle of abuse erm can actually start participating when the dynamic 's already there .
18 I I I sir that we we may be able to erm argue that here today it may be very difficult once it 's established , especially in the public mind that that that there is that there E two land I fear would be not only interpreted unless there 's some justification for me saying this because that 's what it says in the in the in the Harrogate Rural Areas Plan .
19 And what sort of things did you do in the in the .
20 There 's one small landing you can er you can do in the in the west landing they called it .
21 Clearly reference can be made in the to the fact that that is not all of York 's requirements but the balance is being found elsewhere within Greater York , and I would be perfectly happy with that .
22 Well the proposals that are made in the in the Committees er report for funding erm seem to us acceptable with the exception of the comment we have already made erm i acceptable in the sense that they would be borne by erm all pension funds in proportion to their the size of their assets and in relation to the size of the er compensation has to be paid .
23 And I think perhaps , elderly people were quite afraid erm on the you know , living on the on the deck level .
24 Again John if you want to pick on the on the on the
25 and I know la well some time when retirement was looking on the on the horizon I was saying to him you 're not alone but , you know , you 've got ta be looking towards being on your own because of course
26 We have taken an option to purchase at the at the cost as agreed , which was the problem last time
27 But er this place er was called View and it 's now been er vacated and a new home has been built at the in the Park .
28 Oh yes , yes , no , I think I think that er and I think that you know that particularly the the Mirror Group Newspapers Trustees doing a doing an excellent job you know , but we have n't really got into the into the stock lending er arrangements , but the , the cases those I think are particularly you know important to us you see , because there is a there 's another hundred and fifty nine or a hundred and fifty three million I think of , of writs out at the moment and those I think are the ones where we 're going to really see whether the , the banks dig their heels in or not , you know , I think we 've , we 're rea very early stage , but basically I mean we 've still got eighty , getting on for eighty per cent of the missing monies still missing and we 're into our third , third year .
29 And there were hundreds of police who were drafted into the into the town , er billeted on the er local pubs , er and so on .
30 Very flat on the bottom and turned up to the bow and that 's what the salmon fishers used in the in the rivers for pulling their nets in and fishing salmon on the .
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