Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] a long time " in BNC.

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1 Level 3 Know that some life forms became extinct a long time ago and others more recently .
2 MIND realised this a long time ago .
3 That they did not do and now the leader of the council said well they 're trying to get down to the standard spending assessment at last , he could have done that a long time ago , you have had nothing but excess expenditure proposals on behalf of this city for many , many years .
4 Myra 's familiar voice made her want to cry ; it seemed such a long time since things had been normal , with nothing more exciting than new orders to think about .
5 gosh you 've had that a long time
6 They say that , as the wars happened such a long time ago we should simply forget about them now .
7 He spent such a long time alone in consultation with her daughter that Harriet began to wonder whether his efforts at consolation were entirely professional .
8 It takes such a long time to use up a tin , you probably would n't realise .
9 ‘ With having such a long time off , I 've lost a lot of speed but the endurance is still there , which of course is the key for anyone on the ultra scene .
10 He took such a long time to answer that she became convinced that he had n't .
11 Why did not local authorities do that a long time ago ?
12 It did n't matter that it had taken such a long time .
13 Three years did n't seem such a long time when one of them had elapsed , and although Robyn was satisfied that she was highly valued by her colleagues , the talk at the University these days was all of further cuts , of tightening belts , deteriorating staff-student ratios .
14 Andy 's form is exceptional and he has waited such a long time to make the jersey his own that he will not want to miss a game . ’
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