Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And what they do , is they give them a couple of choices of bo , you know , hip joints to go for and the guy decides , the surgeon decides , does his job and then the kit goes back to the manufacturer again and then when the , another hospital orders it they make up a , another kit .
2 One is to provide that the rent shall be calculated as if the index had not been adjusted .
3 This was also the case when we asked about whether the police discri-minated against certain groups , two-thirds of Blacks and Whites believing this but only about one-third of Asians .
4 Its eyes gleamed as if the irises were neon rings .
5 Nothing now remained to contend for but the possession of office : politics were reduced to a struggle between ‘ ins ’ and outs .
6 The capital gains made by the trust on 31 December 1993 are chargeable to UK capital gains tax as if the trust were a UK resident .
7 As the memorandum was written , serious concerns arose about whether the child 's interests would paramount .
8 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers ; SunSoft president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life — McNealy shot back that the ‘ SM ’ stood for ‘ Stop Microsoft . ’
9 SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life .
10 You could not have called it grey , it was of some colour that had never been given a name , and it glowed as if the moon and stars were behind the skin of it , waiting to break through .
11 In the mid-third century Bishop Stephen of Rome asserted that all should observe the tradition of Peter and Paul : viz. those baptized outside the church by schismatic clergy should be readmitted as penitents by imposition of hands , but not treated as if the majesty of Christ 's name had never been pronounced .
12 The skills of the midwives were everything I could have wished for and the NCT made me feel as if I was a useful part of the whole process .
13 An interest in music that I had rather forgotten about until the thought of Millie in the lane reminded me .
14 Managers can act as if the elements of a decision process or an organization are tightly coupled .
15 Does he also agree that it is an insult to all that Parliament stands for if the House meets from 10 pm to 11.30 pm to discuss matters that have already been decided in Brussels ?
16 In due course , Mr Cross took the photograph he had come for and the girl crossed the narrow road and watched the train drop down into the valley .
17 They also disagree about whether the glands in the armpit should be removed , treated with radiotherapy , or left alone .
18 The coin looked as if the minter struck it on a single die , punching the image in the metal in repoussé , so hard that the inverted ear on the reverse would appear on the other side , and could be read the right way round in shallow relief when the coin was turned over .
19 In the early days it had looked as if the directors would be the key men in Hollywood and from all over America men anxious to use the format to say something had been attracted to the movies .
20 Everything seemed to be going well , and it must have looked as if the weight of Galileo and the rest of the scientific world might succeed and get a thorough revision of orthodox science .
21 She had lost a good deal of her bloom and bounce , and looked as if the sentiments of the burial service kept stabbing her to the heart .
22 who moved as if the soles were flapping off .
23 AFTER years of lobbying , it looks as if the Government will bring in legislation to force brewers to list the ingredients in their beers .
24 With Bath to play their last match at home , it looks as if the title will once again belong to the West Country , even if Orrell were to win their last two games , as Bath 's points difference is much the greater .
25 In this case too it looks as if the decision is out of line with the most obvious interpretation of the words .
26 So er it looks as if the decision 's against , so I 'm almost sure that the decision at Johnstown will be against .
27 Looks as if the message that an army of outsiders is needed to turn IBM Corp 's disparate businesses around is beginning to get through : yesterday the Personal Software Products division announced that it had recalled William Rich to be general manager , worldwide sales and marketing — he had left the company but had been acting as a consultant to it ; it has also tapped David Proctor as vice-president of products — Proctor is formerly president of Xerox Computer Services and had been president and chief executive of Ashton-Tate Corp ; before he took that position , he had served 23 years with IBM .
28 Number three has a quite different style of roundel and , to me it looks as if the tail stripe colours are reversed !
29 So it looks as if the doctors and Osteopaths will continue to have their hands full .
30 Each of them has many adherents in the discipline , and at first sight it looks as if the approaches are in direct competition .
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