Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 About 60 per cent of self-poisoners take psychotropic drugs that have been prescribed for them in their overdoses ( Hawton et al. 1977 ) .
2 He made me feel cheap , as if I 'm the type to bitch about somebody behind their back . ’
3 Gorbad drove his wolf chariot straight at the Count , its three slavering wolves leaping as one for their enemy 's throat .
4 The women ended up having to negotiate everything through their husbands , and when they were expected to work for nothing on their husbands ' plots they refused and demanded full payment .
5 It is dealt with in detail here because visitors in search of out of the way spots are almost certain to pass through it on their way to Appenzell , or even to break their journey here .
6 Most media professionals appear to know what is expected of them in their various organisations , each of which has different political backers , and the media product tends to be created accordingly .
7 The primary source of their superior financial performance is capital gains from acquiring corporate assets and activities that , under present ownership , yield less than their opportunity values , and disposing of them at their higher market values .
8 But the characters played by Leslie Banks in The Man Who Knew Too Much ( 1934 ) , or Robert Donat in The 39 Steps ( 1935 ) , are archetypically English in their capacity to muddle through , triumphing over the dark forces ranged against them by their flexibility of mind .
9 Where the latter have rejected other gods in favour of the one they wish to follow , the former has attempted to assimilate the many gods in which it believes into a single Deity who stands behind them as their ground .
10 They found a wooden bench seat in a corner and squeezed into it with their drinks — Edward had a pint of bitter and Sally a Babycham in a pretty glass decorated with a dancing fawn in a blue neck-bow .
11 They long above everything for their two parents to be reunited .
12 And very soon they were , he said a moment ago they had taken it from Jesus , they were no longer trusting in him , and they started to trust in themselves in their own ability .
13 To get there they had to cross the mud , and sank in it to their ankles , but below the soft surface the foreshore was hard here , and although it was a filthy journey it was n't particularly difficult .
14 With companies continuing to cut back on corporate travel , the first-class and business-class passengers who have traditionally provided airlines with their profits are not returning in anything like their earlier numbers .
15 Today 's senior citizens may complain that they do not receive the respect or consideration that was expected from them by their parents , but most of them welcome the far more open and equal relationship which exist between them and their adult children .
16 Three black youths with huge , multicoloured knitted caps pulled over their dreadlocks like tea-cosies lean against the plateglass window of the shopping-precinct cafe , drumming a reggae beat on it with their finger-tips until shooed away by the manageress .
17 Finally , may I ask all hire car users to write to me with their comments on the use of a mobile phone .
18 Candidates must now set up personal machines manned by workers attracted to them by their individual qualities and stands on the issues with little or no reference to party loyalty .
19 Both the New Criticism and Scrutiny were products of the modernist literary revolution , and drew on it for their methods and their assumptions .
20 ‘ So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
21 They were free to raise funds elsewhere if they could , and one at least got a substantial sum from a local authority which would not have supported a project of that nature if it had not come to them from their own school children .
22 " Who exactly are the slant-eyed oriental gentlemen who 've come among us in their gaudy silk dressing gowns and funny hats ? "
23 The ladies mocked him , laughing at him behind their hands . ’
24 How she had looked at him on their wedding day — as if he were a god !
25 A compositor is employed as a compositor ; a machine-minder ( printer ) likewise has to keep to his own job ; the print union is a strong one — and very jealously guard the many gains won by them for their members .
26 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
27 ‘ has liberated English public law from the fetters that the courts had theretofore imposed upon themselves so far as determinations of inferior courts and statutory tribunals were concerned , by drawing esoteric distinctions between errors of law committed by such tribunals that went to their jurisdiction , and errors of law committed by them within their jurisdiction .
28 He is also puzzled by the fact that the Smyrna and Georgetown plants both have a pool of job applicants selected for them by their state governments before they make the final choice .
29 For those who enjoy making every meal a special occasion — whether it 's Saturday brunch or a dinner party for eight — and so are looking for something between their ‘ best ’ fine bone china service and oven-to-tableware , Wedgwood has introduced a range of ‘ casual ’ designs , on fine bone china , on Queen 's Ware and on their new fine china body .
30 Were we going to go for impersonal macro-solutions , or were we going to realise that the people were looking for us as their leaders to provide an answer to their difficulties ?
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