Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We got ta put them in the deep fat fryer .
2 From here he entered N A L G O and held high office within the Union and many members have to thank for representing them at pay s pay negotiations etcetera .
3 Silverfish are an awesome experience , and purely on that basis EMF should be applauded for introducing them to a wider audience .
4 To some extent he was at first exonerated from confronting them with this reality by grants of papal crusading tenths , sexennial ones levied on the clergy only , authorized in 1274 and 1291 , and yielding about £20,000 annually .
5 Dávila , however , was a bully , a cruel and insecure man whose constant attacks on the Indians succeeded in turning them from ‘ sheep ’ , as Balboa called them , into ‘ fierce lyons ’ .
6 Whether , for instance , concepts such as ‘ ethnicity ’ , ‘ class ’ , ‘ politics ’ are ‘ culture-free ’ , that is whether academics have succeeded in freeing them from their narrow everyday cultural uses and made them available for cross-cultural use , is a question of judgement and , ultimately , of ontology .
7 There are several aspects of the faunal assemblages accumulated by predators that may be considered in identifying them as prey assemblages .
8 Historical research has thus proved more successful in demolishing old myths and theories about the relationship between crime and social change than it has in replacing them with sustainable generalizations .
9 I am always fascinated to hear Liberals going on about resources being made available for defence , when they are committed to cutting them by 50 per cent .
10 The emphasis of paraprofessional training needs to build upon and extend the qualities and skills that these workers bring to the team rather than to concentrate on socializing them to professional or organizational ways of doing things .
11 The goldsmiths employed by abbots and bishops as well as by kings embellished gospel covers by enclosing them in gold set with gems , just as scribes illuminated sacred texts in gold leaf .
12 What if the intention is to protect the older person , say by locking them in a room ?
13 So , against Clark , it must be argued that it is misleading to claim that because animals , imbeciles , and normal infants are all weak , defenceless , and at our mercy , to treat any of them in the same way ( say by killing them for food or using them in research ) is ‘ in moral terms , the very same act ’ ( Clark 1978 : 149 ) .
14 You can usually route hot and cold supply pipes to wherever you want by running them underneath the floorboards , the bath or around the perimeter of the room , hiding them with a low box plinth , which could also be an ideal place to store bathroom bottles .
15 Some thought that those poor could be rescued by providing them with religious and moral education , vocational training , and better housing .
16 This too is a useful design tool : a dazzling , disquieting pair , or duality , can be resolved by discharging them into a line .
17 Some owners of OTC-traded warrants claimed that they had never received anything written about exercising them at all .
18 Shostakovich obviously had good reason for these references , but they are to music so well-known that I worry about finding them in someone else 's piece , even a composer of the supreme integrity of Shostakovich .
19 The other half of this group ( about a quarter of the entire sample ) either rejected the Authority 's recommendations entirely or claimed that although they agreed with them in principle they were prevented from implementing them by unsuitable classroom conditions or other school circumstances .
20 The principal method is the study of hoards , since coins have frequently been deposited in hoards for safe-keeping and their owners have often been prevented from recovering them for a variety of reasons such as death or forgetfulness .
21 Holman stresses that poor parents may well share the child care values and objectives of the wider society , but are prevented from achieving them by depriving environments .
22 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
23 For some young people , especially those in areas of high youth unemployment who are attending special youth training programmes for trainees with learning difficulties , this operation may never succeed in bringing them into employment ( Wilkinson 1990 ) .
24 The lesson of that election was that only an alliance of all those who stood to the right of the Socialists could succeed in easing them from power .
25 M My job depends on getting them in here .
26 The State Department 's reply [ KP 125 ] was : " The Department assumes that the 28,000 Cossacks in question are Soviet Nationals and , if so , no objection is seen to delivering them to the Russian forces in accordance with the terms of the Yalta agreement .
27 These criticisms were ignored ( although delivered by persons of world-wide reputation such as Carl Sauer ) , received a hostile and defensive reaction , or were absorbed by transforming them into a technical issue — rather than facing them as a social and political one .
28 This is done by presenting them with programmes designed for native speakers and setting tasks which assume a high level of comprehension of the video material .
29 Visual information helps us interpret the audio signals we receive by reinforcing them with additional clues : a beckoning finger reinforces the words " Come here " ; at the same time the expression on the face of the beckoner can give us a clue as to the nature of the summons .
30 Successive Chancellors of the Exchequer have striven to encourage people to invest in pension plans by favouring them with tax concessions — to the point at which they are one of the most attractive and tax-efficient investments you can make .
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