Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [verb] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 The reader may be forgiven for thinking at this stage that , given the weaknesses in much project work , the solution would be to abandon it altogether .
2 I see what you mean about sitting in this seat .
3 So anyway Norm mentioned about going to this one at erm Old Tammy , that one on the Old Road
4 The Torit and Nasir factions of the SPLA had succeeded in uniting behind this demand for regional self-determination , although a representative of John Garang 's Torit faction stressed on May 31 that the " self-determination " solution remained second-best after the solution of a " secular , democratic , pluralistic and multi-party Sudan " .
5 It is recorded , for example , that in spite of his duties as kadi and muderris , he yet managed to copy every day two leaves from the books of the ancients and Mecdi adds in regard to this point that Molla Husrev thus left a number of books in his own hand at his death .
6 When a nationalized industry is committed to pricing in this way , it should use these prices to calculate the stream of social profit and the social rate of return on the investment project .
7 The attitude of some bondholders previously willing to surrender their bonds modified on learning of this privilege which they were previously and largely unaware of in connection with redemption , so much so that of the 47 bonds bought out , 24 holders elected to enjoy perpetual membership .
8 An important point concerning all modules apart from the character recogniser is that they are effectively acting as filters in this context , i.e. they can not contribute further interpretations of the data .
9 Invited the Lord President to take soundings among Government supporters with a view to determining whether it would be possible to persuade those who were in favour of the abolition of capital punishment that in the interests of securing the passage of the Criminal Justice Bill in the 1947–48 Session they should refrain from pressing for this change in the law ;
10 She could therefore only love her sister more that , when it came to choosing between this most important interview of her career or flying to her husband 's bedside , Cara was n't hesitating to fly to where love and instinct guided .
11 Confronted with such a situation , with no sure indication as to how , if at all , a satisfactory clarification of particular identity might be found , we might be tempted to think that the best course to follow is to try and see if we can make do without relying on this awkward and intractable concept .
12 They they come down there but they have n't got enough oxygen to get up and so they got ta stay on this thing with this creature .
13 Now if I was a cadre and I received that I think I would be thinking right erm if I really want to be at the forefront of this that 's the policy that I want to promote erm and if the peasants in my area are not demanding this and not achieving this well we , I , I ca n't be seen not to be going it , I 've got ta go with this .
14 But she 's getting cross now cos I said to her look you 've got ta think about this seriously .
15 She goes oh , erm , yeah , just because we 've got ta house like this has n't got such a glamorous house
16 She wants this doll , well Julie got it yesterday and said I phoned up , she said you 've got ta listen to this she said I 've just put a battery in when you want to hear it cry .
17 No listen , listen you 've got ta listen to this my girlfriend and I have sex whenever we can and really enjoy it oral sex but we have heard that sexually transmitted diseases can be passed on by drinking each other 's juices from oral sex , is this true ?
18 Why delay on the cos it 's got ta search round this
19 Washington has been accused of striving towards this objective by means of aligning Saudi Arabia , Jordan , Lebanon and other states to the Camp David process on a Middle East settlement .
20 ‘ Because that 's the one chance you 've got of coming through this whole thing alive .
21 Later , when dealing with the case against the appellant Low , and having told the jury that they could not consider as evidence against him any statements made by the second appellant , he added : ‘ Now in deciding what it was that the first accused is proved to have done , you must consider all the evidence available in the case against the first accused in coming to this decision , but only that evidence . ’
22 Erm so erm I suppose the business of victims as survivors is a conflict , a controversy , which you might see in reading about this topic , and some people do n't use the term victims for that reason .
23 The Association is being helped in putting on this presentation by L.
24 And yet I 've been as guilty as anybody else in saying , Oh they wo n't wan na come in this medical practice booklet what will they gain from it ?
25 If only I had as much spare time as you evidently do , then I would happily reciprocate by wandering about this house reminding you of tasks you have perfectly well in hand . ’
26 Moreover , if the permanent representation is more " highly processed " , then in a task which can only be performed by referring to this higher.level information a right hemisphere advantage should be found even with a zero inter.stimulus interval , that is , with simultaneous presentation of the two stimuli to be matched .
27 What happens is of course , you 're so , very often socialised into behaving like this , ask yourself if your an A type , are your parents A types ?
28 However , whilst both the HPV16 sequence and the HSV octamer could readily compete for binding of this protein , the HPV6 sequence could not do so confirming that it does not bind the cervical protein with high affinity ( Figure 4 ) .
29 One objection that is raised with regard to this type of evaluation is the difficulty of being objective .
30 The important passage that I would quote in regard to this injury is as follows : " Undoubtedly , this is a very severe deterrent on his " ( the plaintiff 's ) " movements and activities . "
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