Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] time and " in BNC.

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1 And this distinction between an hour as sixty minutes and an hour as a section of complex human experience , is I suppose the distinction one would make between clock time and what might be called existential time , time as it 's humanly experienced .
2 I tried for bail time and time again , but it just was n't on .
3 We stopped at lunch time and had a traditional meal with our driver who then took us back on our way .
4 In general , DCSLs attempt to complete the proposal and book selection phases in Minor schools as quickly and effectively as possible , in the knowledge that similar processes in their Major schools are likely to be more lengthy , complex and demanding of staff time and resources .
5 Oh they just There would always be somebody would be on the road at any time looking for harvest time and my father would say to someone , tell the McGregors We called them that time , so the McGregors came up went tell told the others .
6 than that dear it 's down the other end , the other side of Old Harlow , but he used to have a surgery there which he , you know , made it better after the erm , to ease up Dr surgery cos that was so packed and the shops were absolutely and you used to have to queue and queue for , to get your shopping , you could n't , I used to cycle into Harlow and leave my cycle somewhere and then go along do my shopping , but it used to be two or three hours ' job it was , you did n't get done till dinner time and then I used to call it a , a lady used to say call there that used to have the fried fish and chip shop on the corner of erm Harlow and I used to go there and have a cup of tea before I came home because I used to be so long shopping you could n't get served you see , it 's too many people , there was nowhere else for them to go , it was only Bishop 's Stortford you had to go
7 A major advantage of this type of input was that these basic validation checks were made at input time and any errors detected were displayed back to the operator immediately , thus allowing corrections to be made quickly .
8 I 'm not too worried about this because the team should be well prepared by kick-off time and in Ronnie Moran and Roy Evans , there are two people on the inside whose European experience is second to none .
9 He arrived in record time and accused me of bullying tactics .
10 Most of our work is completed in class time and we do n't get over loaded . ’
11 and coping with rejection time and again .
12 The essence of the systems approach is that personnel decisions should proceed in parallel with engineering decisions , partly to economise on development time and partly to provide scope for trade-offs .
13 It is often desire to include a budget limit within the terms of reference , taking into account time and quality criteria .
14 Much emphasis is put on rehearsal time and , in particular , on band work .
15 You 're not forced to er open at half past eight and er shut at dinner time and erm farming you are freer , are n't you ?
16 I shall expect you always to be dressed by dinner time and whomsoever I bring home to my table you 'll be in readiness to receive .
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