Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] day in " in BNC.

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1 I lay for several days in a small wooden room , convinced for some reason that I was on an ocean-going ship .
2 Some lived for several days in this pitiful condition , their feet gnawed by dogs , until they died in agony .
3 The people lived for seven days in shelters made of branches — essentially as an agricultural thanksgiving , but also as a reminder of their tent-dwelling days in the wilderness ( Leviticus 23:43 ) .
4 Maria replied that she was to be allowed to come for two days in the week following her letter .
5 It was widely reported that armed police had besieged the state-owned Jerada colliery , which had been occupied for 10 days in late December 1988-early January 1989 by 400 miners .
6 ENGINEER Terry Higgins dropped himself right in it when he rescued a teenager trapped for three days in a freezing bog .
7 This is also the venue for the annual Howden Agricultural Show , which every year brings friends and visitors together to revel for two days in the old-fashioned atmosphere of an English country fair .
8 And it is to pay him £11,188 the maximum that could have been awarded if the tribunal , which has already sat for ten days in March , found in his favour .
9 I was reminded of those days in the school chapel and of that battle to hold my integrity against a most well-meaning person , by my experience with the chaplain at the hospital eighteen months ago .
10 But whereas the submarine pens were re-opened within four days in 1918 , after the St Nazaire raid this dry-dock was not repaired until the 1950s — one reason perhaps why the British were not popular with all the townsfolk for many years afterwards .
11 Rebleeding occurred within three days in eight ( 78% ) of the epinephrine group and three ( 60% ) of the epinephrine plus pure alcohol group .
12 My wife , Ann , and I have experienced the sense of the terror that these unfortunate people must have felt , because it still lingers to this day in some of the small corries and glens in the hills above Tummel and Rannoch .
13 TAKE a piece of fish , cook for 20 minutes until it has a wood-like texture , marinate for two days in soy sauce and sesame oil , then serve .
14 Individual faecal excretions were made for five days in conjunction with the indium-111 neutrophil studies .
15 In Kent v. Metropolitan Police Commissioner , a blanket ban had been imposed for 28 days in the light of the Brixton disorders of 10–13 April , and disorder at several Bank Holiday fairs .
16 A state of emergency , which already existed over two-thirds of the country ( representing more than 50 per cent of the population ) , had been reimposed for 30 days in the capital Lima on March 23 in an effort to protect candidates , following the murder of a FREDEMO congressional candidate , Julio Gálvez .
17 My purpose was to see if I could write a novel with only two characters , preserving the unities of time , place and action ( it all happens in one day in John 's London flat ) , without any cheating through long flashbacks or such devices .
18 First , the scheme has been extremely well run and the loans company has met its target of getting the loans to those who have applied within 21 days in almost all cases .
19 According to Labour Ministry figures , the number of working days lost in strikes had risen from 2,267,878 days in April to 10,221,700 in May and almost 30,000,000 in June .
20 Three months before opening day he was sentenced to 14 days in Brixton Prison for contempt of a High Court undertaking not to deal in any more counterfeit tape .
21 He was also sentenced to 90 days in prison and to a fine of US$1,000 , both of which were suspended .
22 Nofziger , who had headed the White House Office of Political Affairs in 1981-82 , had been convicted of illegal lobbying for the Wedtech Corp. within a year of leaving office , fined $30,000 and sentenced to 90 days in prison [ see p. 36018 ] .
23 She offered £5 per week out of her £42 per week benefit , but was sentenced to 60 days in prison by magistrates in Stroud .
24 Two days later the master reported that she was taken before the magistrates , and was sentenced to three days in the House of Correction .
25 Unable to pay the ten shillings fine placed against him — a trifling sum , of course , compared with that paid out by the Cremorne merry-makers after their destructive binge — Alfred Berry was sentenced to seven days in the House of Correction .
26 Ozone levels were recorded which were well above the level which is considered dangerous ; the danger level was exceeded on 10 days in 1992 , compared to only six in 1991 .
27 The climax of his national captaincy , of course , came on that day in 1966 when he skippered England to their 4-2 triumph over West Germany at Wembley .
28 The tribe danced for three days in the hope that the Great Spirits would send them rain .
29 The herrings will keep for 4–5 days in the fridge .
30 ( This will keep for 2–3 days in the fridge . )
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