Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 The other scandal is the doctrinaire attitude of Labour-controlled councils such as Plymouth city council which , when Labour took control in May this year , halted for several months the previous Conservative policy of selling land to housing associations at concessionary prices , enabling rents to be kept down and output to be increased .
2 Then he put through a bill to suspend for five years the Seven Hours Act , which had restricted maximum daily hours for the coal industry since 1919 , following the Eight Hours Act of 1908 .
3 Conversely , the octogenarians of today , whose prime earning period coincided with the Depression , may be financing through indirect taxes the education of the eight-year-olds who will enjoy the fruits of the twenty-first century !
4 It also enabled moderate Republicans to avoid an open break with Bush on the issue , and saved the Democrats from a potentially damaging veto battle which they seemed one vote short of winning and which would again have highlighted for white voters the identification of Democrats with minority issues .
5 But to pursue this matter would have delayed for some years the opening of much needed services .
6 What he wishes to do is to establish through everyday occurrences the realization within you of his existence .
7 This meant that , as a county , it was significantly smaller than it later became , and that ( in particular ) it did not include for local-government purposes the city of Oxford .
8 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
9 ( It does seem a little perverse of EMI to have included with these discs the specification of the Sainte-Trinité organ as it now stands rather than as it was at the time these recordings were made . )
10 As part of the process , the company will discuss with interested parties the possibility of selling ‘ regional ’ coal-mining packages .
11 The decision to accuse with serious crimes the Rathcoole UDA officers held in Long Kesh can be seen as part of the NIO 's strategy for forestalling a general strike confrontation with the combined physical force and political wings of loyalism in the context of the coming constitutional convention .
12 Since it may take decades for water to percolate into these aquifers the problem is a long-term one , and bearing in mind the increasing use of artificial fertilizer since the war , one which may return .
13 When they were amongst themselves they used nicknames , but as these rarely appear in official documents the historian has a difficult task to disentangle one member from another .
14 It seems to me that this difference in the structure of the schedules goes a long way towards explaining in industrial terms the relative stasis of British television subgenres like sitcom , crime series and soap opera , and the drive towards innovation found in the corresponding genres on US television .
15 The loss of an efficient officer , however , was not to be accepted without protest by the captain who lost his services , and Captain Robert Digby , for example , protested in strong terms the impending transfer of Midshipman Callender from his ship to Captain Keith Stewart 's Berwick in 1778 , pointing out that ‘ this Mr. Callender I made a midshipman myself upon finding Sir Lawrence Dundas was his friend ’ and complained of ‘ Scotch captains being allowed to pick the quarterdecks of other ships without the captain 's consent … ’
16 The meaning that word has within these walls the saint knows as well as we .
17 Farmers say in previous years the public have n't always got a fair deal , as Simon Garrett reports
18 The researchers say in some cases the after effects can compare with those suffered by survivors of major tragedies like the Zebrugree disaster .
19 While phenomenology can describe in philosophical terms the impossibility of entering another person 's mind , language , memory , value-system , Shakespeare 's sonnets long ago grasped the point that I and You communicate with each other from essentially separate positions .
20 As we shall demonstrate in later chapters the word boundary ambiguities present in continuous speech , together with the increased number of homophones produced by the application of phonological rules for variations in pronunciation , relax the lexical constraints to the point where a very large number of paths through the lattice are equally plausible .
21 When I was finally called one wintry Monday by the neighbours , she looked quite dreadful ; her faced was bruised from several falls the previous night , she was struggling for her breath , her legs and thighs were painful and very swollen .
22 Much of the criticism , however , is directed against the nationalism of the developing countries — against Arab , African or Latin American nationalism , for example — which challenges in various ways the dominance of the industrial capitalist nations ; yet it is evident that nationalism is just as strong in the latter countries , though for good historical reasons ( they are long established , accepted nation states ) it may be less vehemently expressed .
23 ‘ Those extensive powers are conferred upon the court for the beneficial winding up of the company , for sometimes it happens that the liquidator is unable to obtain from unwilling persons the information which he requires .
24 Renault 's Zoom , although less exotic than the others , has in many ways the most to offer .
25 The company must be able to communicate to potential customers the way in which its product would satisfy their needs , and provide competitive value .
26 Only as the client is thoroughly involved and comes to accept on deepening levels the process of change can our methods be effective in relation to our goals ( Bernstein , 1960 , p. 8 ) .
27 In setting up such a scheme great care needs to be taken in explaining to all participants the rationale behind the decision and the positive gains involved .
28 Inside the plant , levels of radiation in the abandoned reactor building rose to many times the lethal level .
29 In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves the government devalued the currency twice , in February and in March , and allowed it to float in September .
30 The legislative function is exercised mainly through Parliament which has the power to make laws of general applicability and to grant to other bodies the power to make delegated legislation under authority of an act of parliament .
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